
Is it the beginning of the end for H1B path in US?

See this post 40 percent silent layoffs in VMware ( stopping all immigration) (Tech Industry)  Also, many companies, including big ones, stopped filing PERM Also, now the availability of tech talent already in US is sky high, with so many people immigrating in the past few years. Also, the second generation of immigrants have also started occupying tech jobs, which previously was not available in the local population. So local supply is increasing.

40 percent silent layoffs in VMware ( stopping all immigration) - Blind
40 percent silent layoffs in VMware ( stopping all immigration) - Blind
186 Participants
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Marvell AI_CRASH Feb 27

Yes and No. once Mr. Trump becomes president he will make sure to give them the priority and bring merit based system.

Zendesk YFGc45 Feb 27

Trump gets in again and kiss any type of immigration goodbye. He suspended new H1Bs during his last year in office.

Microsoft Muad´Dib Feb 27

Its funny because I’ve heard so many Trump supporters say the exact opposite.

Oracle zEXB52 Feb 27

But it’s the beginning of illegal immigrants. The boarder is wide open! You just need to adapt to the latest situation

Cadence yertpsfflp Feb 27

Lmao. Meanwhile I got grilled by a immigration officer trying to enter legally at an airport

Oracle zEXB52 Feb 27

Yeah we should just fly to mexico, walk through the boarder, get an EAD and back to work. Much faster than getting GC through the front door.

oScx21 Feb 27

The company can’t file for perm if it had layoffs, this is law. And most of the companies had layoffs in the last year. Diversity programs illuminated the needs for h1. The US vacuumed more than enough software engineers from all kind of diversity groups

Amazon HomeBee Feb 27

The actual decision makers in Washington DC are not stupid. America needs more blue collar workers. Hence the southern borders are open. America doesn’t need white collar workers that much. So immigration, that too from overpopulated countries is not a necessity. The best of the best are allowed hence O1, EB1.. System is working as designed (I am saying this as Indian)

Oracle zEXB52 Feb 27

You must already got a GC

Indeed swe_is_me Feb 27

The Pentagon is a defense facility not a legislative or executive building

Microsoft Muad´Dib Feb 27

I think this is very specific to VMWare. Companies are not broadly targeting H1bs like this AFAIK

Amazon cXwc31 Feb 27

They should start

Microsoft Muad´Dib Feb 28

Contact your local congressperson.

Two Sigma OkRajesh Feb 27

We can only hope.

Amazon cXwc31 Feb 27

2nd generation of kids born in America to parents from India will crush this current crop of students coming

Amazon noowayjose Feb 27


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Amazon bidernow Feb 27

The H1b pool is too big to target now. What will slow down are new roles that support H1B or international transfer within companies. That may be bad news for F1 students with loans.