Leaving America?

I remember people in 2016 pledging to leave the country if Donald Trump won. Here we are 8 years later, some left, some others didn't. But I will dare to say that most that said they would do, actually didn't. On the heels of the 2024 election and the "unveil" of the retrograde intentions of Project 2025 (look it up, it's a real thing), who is now considering leaving America?

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Apple TDmK50 3d

99% of people that say it arenā€™t serious about it, itā€™s melodramatic whining.

Meta btyo08 3d

Almost no one is leaving the USA baby!

SoFi PapaElonM 3d

Where are they going to go? Canada? They are too dumb to learn another language.

ex-Block igffg 3d

I left and learned another language, got married, had kids, bought a house ā¤ļø

Apple Mr. Binod 3d

Looking at Reddit, Canada is shit now. Canadians want to come to the us šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

PayPal techCog 3d

Like a million people said they are preparing for a civil war because the 2020 election was ā€œstolenā€, and yet, no civil war. A few hundred dumbasses went to jail for January 6, thatā€™s all. Millions of elderly morons refused to get Covid vaccines because they thought it was all part of a grand conspiracy, and now there are more than a million fewer morons.

Chewy waves1233 3d

Yeah I love that. All the idiots gone. Darwin awards.

Salesforce eFVJ73 3d

I am still waiting it would make America great again! Bye bye libs

Microsoft fkx8374 3d

Nothing to endure. You sound privileged