Looking for FAANG+ Companies Referrals for NG SWE

Anyone down to refer me to the companies in the hashtags, or any other companies that pay 200k+ TC? I'm a Senior CS Student in a US T50 school who's passed FT and Intern Interviews at some Big Tech already, but looking to test my limits and try for the best I can in New Grad roles. My main goal is looking for companies with 200k+ TC, and good Culture/Learning Opportunities in California/NYC/Tech Hubs. Some of these companies might not be open yet for NG, but I'd love to plan for September. DM me or comment to DM you. 0 YOE TC for Current NG Offers: 180k #palantir #anduril #meta #nuro #verkada #airbnbdata #coursera #databricks #datadog #deepmind #discord #doordash #dropbox #duolingo #faang #github #linkedin #lyft #netflix #pinterest #riotgames #snap #spotify #stripe #tinder #twitch #twitter #twosigma #uber #referral #box #instacart

TikTok TokToMe Aug 11, 2022

DM for TikTok referral if interested