Microsoft L64 refresher

How much is the stock refresher for L64 SWE at Microsoft? Also how are the cash bonuses every year ? TC:350K

Microsoft Picchikeka Feb 16

40k, vested over 5 years and cash bonus of 15% base for a 100% rating (ranges 0-200%). That’s 40k USD and not shares.

Cisco sancisco Feb 16

Incredibly low.

Microsoft iXbD33 Feb 18

64 is pretty low on the totem pole too. Still senior band. And anyone who’s been senior band while MSFT was below (or well below) 100 has still done extremely well. 65 is principle band and the higher responsibility at that level is compensated accordingly.

Google OrangeGod Feb 16

You will be shocked at how depressingly bad they are. My guess is right now they are around 60k vested across 5 years. Stock growth is what kept a lot of msft salaries at ok levels for the past few years.

Microsoft iQzF51 Feb 16

60 is actually high for 64. Most orgs give out 140 if you are doing really good. That's just 56. If you don't kick ass you are looking at 40 if not less. Have to make Principal to start having better grants.

ex-Toptal nhUm46 Feb 16

When I was there it was 16k vested over 6 years

Microsoft minecroft Feb 16

Wow when was this?

Microsoft Galvan Feb 16

What are these? I thought we buy our own refreshments.

Microsoft FrogBlast Feb 18

Hits a little too hard

Microsoft the dev Feb 18


Microsoft iQzF51 Feb 16

64 is not great stocks as already covered. But if you get to 65+ they start improving a lot. So if joining, have to figure out how quickly you can make that jump before the signing stocks run out (4 years) Otherwise you will have a cliff.

Microsoft oBOA46 Feb 16

How much is it for L65?

Microsoft Picchikeka Feb 16

Not that high. 65k, 20% at 100% rating.

Microsoft ABACADABAC Feb 16

Stock range for 64 is 0-80k vesting over 5 years.

Microsoft iQzF51 Feb 16

Sure, but 80k isn't happening for 99% of folks with the current HR guidelines. 80% is the new 100% so you have to strive hard to get much above 40k

Microsoft ABACADABAC Feb 16

Yup. But 80k is still possible for that 1%.

Microsoft hellllloo Feb 17


Microsoft 👢ootlicker Feb 18

Two peanut shells and some pocket lint

Microsoft Skywalker Feb 18

I think the offer you get to begin with these days is still pretty decent. If you’re hired at 64 you can probably get at least 300k stock at current valuation vesting over 4 years. Due to appreciation it will be 500k in 2-3 years time. If the cliff hits you hard just jump ship. But lot of folks get SsA or promotion that ensures their salary is competitive.

Google renhu OP Feb 20

Any idea of the range of salary for L64 new hire,? Thanks

Microsoft Skywalker Feb 20 Your salary as a new hire would always be at the higher end (90th percentile)

Microsoft khahsbsk Feb 18
