Tech IndustryDec 22, 2021

Meta - Can anyone explain the Meta hiring levels?

I often get confused with the way Meta hires. I see ppl saying IC4, IC5 etc but I also see E4, E5. Whats the difference between them? Does the salary between IC and E change at the same level? If yes, how big is the difference? Is it easy to move roles once you get in? How do you know what role or level you are interviewing for? TC - 230k yoe - 5 #meta #tech

Meta BlueNuts Dec 22, 2021

IC and E are the same thing. It's the number that matters. IC = individual contributor, can be used to distinguish between IC and M E = just what FB internally calls their levels. Google uses L instead. This letter doesn't matter

Expedia Group produxtBrah Dec 22, 2021

From another blind comment: “Every individual contributor is IC[x].” So “E” doesn’t exist anymore but people informally use it to still refer to Software Engineer or Production Engineer roles. Comp range per level is determined by the role ladder - PM, SWE, PE, PD, TPM, PMM, etc. With SWE / PE being the benchmark for equity grants, other roles are basically a % of SWE. Or in other terms {X role ladder} level = SWE level - N.

Slalom Consulting HGov67 Dec 22, 2021

“How do you know what level you are interviewing for”. Talk to your recruiter beforehand about target level, you’re not interviewing for an exact level. You could get bumped up or down a level depending on interview performance.

Meta 🌻 girl Dec 22, 2021

E is for engineers. IC is more generic term used by engineers and non engineers. So some PM or DS offers on blind use IC. At your yoe You’re probably E4 or E5 based on your behavioral & sys design interview perf.

Amazon gyunen235 May 20, 2022

Do people talk about their levels openly in Meta? Are we able to see others levels?

Meta LlyD48 Oct 22, 2023

I have found this post online, not great but you can get an idea