NewThe mostg

Meta L5 vs L6

I've completed my recruiter screening and am now preparing for the phone screening. The recruiter is advocating for an L6 position, but I'm more interested in securing a role, so I don't mind whether it's L5 or L6. However, I don't want to seem incapable, so I agreed to the L6 loop. Are there any significant differences in the interview processes for these levels? Should I reconsider and ask the recruiter to aim for an L5 position instead?

44 Participants
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LinkedIn zuxxy Apr 23

You’re more likely to get a team match if you’re E6 because senior positions are in higher demand

PwC mkoo Apr 23

is this for sde or pm?

The mostg OP Apr 23


Fidelity Investments FXAIX Apr 23

prep strategy for meta?

Microsoft chairSearc Apr 23

What's your yoe and current scope?

LinkedIn nfjwdn Apr 23

You’ll likely end up down-leveled to E5 anyway. The interview isn’t that different. You get one extra system design interview and in the coding phone screen you get asked some experience related questions as well and it’s conducted by a manager.

Meta richаrdhea Apr 23

Not necessarily a manager. The rest is correct.

Amazon UYsT62 Apr 23

Always assume a down level. So this way you won't get offered E4

Meta Poor@600TC Apr 24

Also to consider - depending on your goals and your team E6 may be a scam. Comp is not that different to E5 (considering you can expect a higher rating for E5 generally). "E5 GE imo is better wlb than E6 MA. Less BS to deal with, and also you have more flexibility to switch teams without needing to be a subject matter expert. So if you’re not sure if you want to do similar work to what you’re doing now, promo to 6 will make later transfers harder to do." "Depends on whether you continue to enjoy the e5 role and whether you care to be part of the leadership conversations. I spent several years at e5 within the company, switched teams several times, it is definitely the most flexible and it is very easy and almost formulaic to achieve at least EE. E6 is a completely different role in many ways, so I am always confused why people compare E6 MA to E5 GE. why work harder when you can just be more efficient and scale yourself (the standard expectation for E6)? But to each their own." "IC6 opens up AE and promotion to 7, but if you want to pick a sweet spot to take off the gas a bit and still make bank IC5 is probably the best"

The mostg OP Apr 24

That's exactly my thought. I would prefer a more relaxed role than E6, unless it involves a significant pay cut. Considering that the interview process doesn't make a huge difference, if I can get my foot in the door, perhaps I can subtly push for a team seeking an L5. Hopefully, I'll update the post with good news 🤞🏽

LinkedIn nfjwdn Apr 24

Alternative take, if you joined as E6 2.5 yrs ago you’re making like $1.5-2 million a year now and can retire in a few years. To each his own though. Stock might not do that well.