Offer: Marketing Referral & Career Advice: What's important when selecting a career coach?

Hello Marketing Blinders, What criteria do you use when selecting a career coach? What are your "best practices" when working with a career coach? I'm trying to determine the next phase of my career and I need guidance on how to prioritize my career goals and ambitions. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Happy to give back to this wonderful community too! Do you need a job referral for marketing roles at SAP? Please DM with the job links and your resume! Thank you for your support and guidance! :-) #marketing #referral #careeradvice #sap

7 Participants
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ByteDance YJWK47 Aug 20, 2023

Youโ€™re getting coaching on career coaching on Blind? Probably not a good idea.

CPOInCA Aug 20, 2023

You get what you pay for with regards to a career coach. This is something you don't want to be cheap with - especially if you are looking for a marketing position.