Post Wall Women Share Rising Looks like a tsunami of desperate women is coming... Bad news for the country as this suggest deep drop in population, similar to what S.Korea, China and Japan are facing. I interpret this as a lot of women overestimated their sexual market value and didn't find a partner while they were still attractive. For most, it is too late now. Time to go long on cat food producers.

Instacart YdOP30 May 5

It will be quite a shock when they still don’t see you as an option.

Fannie Mae rht3453 OP May 5

Even someone like me isn't in the market. MGTOW LOL

Instacart YdOP30 May 5

Great. Why aren’t you staying your own way then…

Walmart WolfofWMT May 5

Mass immigration will solve this

Block hiWgufc May 5

I think they just don’t care tbh. Like they’d love to have a partner but now that they can earn a living the partner has to suit them. Whereas before being a man’s wife was their career and meal ticket. I do think people are generally pickier but i also think people will break up now rather than get married and a few relationships like this (sometimes men are the ones breaking up or deciding they don’t want marriage / kids with that women) one day they are in their 30s and single with no kids. And I think shaming them for it as if it’s all their fault is (1) unrealistic and doesn’t fully capture the whole picture of a complicated, multi factor situation and (2) doesn’t actually push people in the direction you want. If you want women to have kids, shaming them for not just radicalizes people further. It’s like when men get blamed by women - I feel like it just results in men resenting women more. It doesn’t result in them changing their behavior or ideas

jsoemd May 5

Lol, Japan and south Korea are in that place because of patriarchal societies. Women don't want to procreate as it'll reduce their income and they will have to be maid, cook, whatever for their husbands. Rather earn and chill. One generation later in Japan, and people aren't even having sex with each other. You know who's fault it is? 1) capitalism 2) individualism over communal living Unfortunately too late to fix.

Fannie Mae rht3453 OP May 5

😆 so if a woman is single and childless, it is the toxic men's fault? I love the zero accountability mentality.

jsoemd May 5

I didn't say men. I said capitalism and individualism. Every human for themselves. You seem angry and obtuse.