Post interview experiences here, follow this EXAMPLE format

YOE: 8 Company: Google Interviewed for level : Senior sw. engineer Description of rounds /difficulty: Had initial phone screen, then moved to onsite. Phone screen was coding. Onsite 5 rounds virtual, 2 coding 2 sys design 1 behavioral Coding questions : 1st round: LC 100 2nd round: question around finding longest common subsequence between strings System design: Question was around designing a distributed key value store 2nd round was about deep dive on my current project design Behavioral: Asked about difficult situation at work and how I solved it What I could have done better in current project Decision yet : yes/no/waiting If yes, how many days, offered TC etc.. Add other comments and tips to prepare if possible too Thanks!

Green Dot Corp. CKew85 Yesterday

Maybe include something about how you feel the interview went?