
Prep time for laid off folks

People who got laid off , how many hours/day do you study ? 6 hours minimum sleep TC 290k

53 Participants
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Visa icyincel 3d

Hubspot laid off?

Workday sucks cock 3d

this career fkn blows Do you think laid off people in ANY other profession spend their free time 'studying' as grown-ass adults ? No. Because they dont.

Amazon hghfrbc 3d

this is all Leetcode crap

ex-Salesforce 👻 - 👻 - 💀 3d

You don’t need to study much if you are targeting a low/mid pay IT job which anyway, it pays better than most of other industries

Meta chat2 3d

Study for a new career? What are you studying?

Cognizant Heston 3d


hoooolii 2d

If you are laid off then prep is your full time work.

Motional <i++> 2d

Eat Sleep Code. Water Proof Headphones

neQP18 2d

The first couple.of month, pretty 3 to 4 hours. But it seems that the time spent matter little. Getting an interview is pretty tough in this market.