Priceline Layoff

Just got to confirm I was part of those that got laid off this morning. It's really sad and worrying. For those with prior experience, how do you deal with this setback and bounce back strong. Got a very low morale at the moment, considering how tough the job market is.

šŸ•³ļøšŸ•³ļøšŸ•³ļøšŸ”­ Jun 27

Fwiw- I got laid off while on a visa, and a kid on the way, having spouse on dependent visa. She got laid off twice before she moved to dependent status and now I lost my job. Grinded hard for five weeks and just got my first offer in the Nick of time. Youā€™ll get through this. Good luck

Walmart GenAI+ Jun 27

Brutal but glad you were able to overcome it. Kudos

Petco soberKid Jun 27

How did your schedule looked like for those 5 weeks?

Block wrQQ06 Jun 27

Take some time off before applying. Just 2 weeks of doing nothing. Your psyche will be better for it. Got laid off with a baby on the way, and was panicked. Landed something in between in our final month for us to get insurance coverage and parental leave. Still interviewing but You will land on your feet.

Meta w@tlifešŸ‘½ Jun 27

Been through couple of layoffs, firstly take sometime to process it and donā€™t blame yourself. ā€œDonā€™t think if you could have, would have, should haveā€ etc Layoff teaches you more than what people think and itā€™s a life experience snd learning. Take it with right attitude and you will come out great. Some of my learnings, 1. A job is a job, so donā€™t let it define who you are and donā€™t drink the corporate kool aid 2. I learnt who are all my real friends, family and who is fake. Shows darker side of human being as well. You can sense a sadistic pleasure from some, useless advise to make you feel lost ā€œlike take some random job, donā€™t negotiate to make you low of confidence n self esteemā€, this market is hard probably you should go back to your country (for foreigners) so many bsā€™s.. 3. I also realized, this world still has kind and helpful strangers 4. Big one for me Life doesnā€™t stop so itā€™s important to enjoy and have gratitude, stop sulking , self pitying, get up and move on ! Itā€™s not all about ā€œTCā€ yeaX66 Jun 27

Sorry to hear that from your BKNG brothers. What roles did they lay off and how many?

Morgan Stanley kyustar Jun 27

Heard that total 7% employees got impacted. One of my friends (Sr. Software Engg) from Priceline Mumbai also got laid off.

Priceline hneb67 OP Jun 27

Don't know the number, but I am a Sr. Software Engineer

ex-Niantic tcorpguy Jun 27

See you always have to deal with the situation, and ofcourse you can't run , I usually use tools which applies to jobs automatically, there are some expensive one but me and my roommate use an affordable one which fully works , I have coupons tho if anyone is interested

Priceline hneb67 OP Jun 28

Thank you. I appreciate your words. Can you help share the coupon so I can give it a shot? Thanks

Google Ndd431 Jun 27

Protect your mental health by choosing not to doom scroll or read/listen to discouraging statistics about the job market. Reframe this moment as an opportunity to pivot to something else that may fit you better. Take time to grieve, and let yourself cry/be angry/in denial, etc. Only share the news with people you truly trust to support you. Apply, apply, apply.

Uber ugigiga Jun 28

Fk bk!

Priceline Keenu Jun 30

Been there multiple times in my career. Just know that there was nothing you could have done that would have change the outcome. Except being always prepared to give interviews. You still have several months of severance. Work to get another offer and take this as blessing. I am sure you will get a better job that what you had right now. Pro tip: think of it as paid time to prep for interviews. it takes less efforts to give interview than the normal job. Its just pressure of getting job and negative emotions which make it difficult.