Product Manager 3 Interview at Expedia

I have a scheduled recruiter call for the Product Manager 3 role at Expedia. I've been unemployed for the past 5.5 months. Could you kindly share your interview experience? I'm particularly interested in knowing the type of rounds and questions to expect. TIA TC: 132k#pm #product #productmanager

Frost2199 Mar 26

Aye! I also have an interview for the same role I guess! Best of luck man!

Amazon cbyk48 May 9

How did it go? I have a recruiter call as well, would appreciate if you could share your experience.

Frost2199 May 9

Congratulations! For which role? Nothing it was basic gatekeeping questions and going through resume.

Amazon cbyk48 May 9

Thanks!! It's a PM III role for their Expedia for Business division. What about you? Did you hear back after the recruiter screening?