Remote referrals

Hi, I appreciate a referral for companies that hire remote. I am looking for an Sr EM/EM role. TC is not a major problem as i'm in need of remote to take care of a sick family member. Thanks #akamai, #accolite, #affirm, #airbnb, #alibaba, #alation, #adobe, #amex, #amd, #akunacapital, #appdynamics, #aristanetworks, #atlassian, #audible, #baidu, #barclays, #blackrock, #bloomberg, #blizzard, #booking, #box, #bumble, #bytedance, #cameo, #capitalone, #citadel, #citrix, #cloudera, #codenation, #cohesity, #coursera, #coupang, #dataminr, #databricks, #deshaw, #didi, #docusign, #doordash, #dropbox, #dunzo, #ebay, #epic, #evernote, #expedia, #factset, #flipkart, #garena, #github, #goldmansachs, #grab, #groupon, #houzz, #hrt, #hulu, #indeed, #intel, #intuit, #janestreet, #jpmorgan, #jumptrading, #liveramp, #linkedin, #lyft, #mastercard, #microsoft, #morganstanley, #netflix, #nutanix, #opendoor, #oracle, #patreon, #palantir, #paypal, #paytm, #pocketgems, #pinterest, #ponyai, #poshmark, #postmates, #qualtrics, #quip, #quora, #redfin, #reddit, #referral, #riotgames, #roblox, #robinhood, #rivian, #rubrik, #salesforce, #sapient, #serviceNow, #solarwinds, #splice, #splunk, #spotify, #square, #sumologic, #tesla, #tencent, #tiktok, #toptal, #tripadvisor, #triplebyte, #twilio, #tinder, #twitch, #twitter, #twosigma, #uber, #visa, #virtufinancial, #vmware, #wayfair, #wish, #yandex, #ynga, #zappos, #zillow, #zulily, #startup #startup, #tech, #swe, #product, #intern, #engineering, #software, #hedgefund, #machinelearning, #datascience, #softwareengineering, #computerengineering, #hiring, #referral, #jobs, #tech, #internships, #referrals, #referral, #Qualcomm, #patreon

Salesforce Salesfoce May 17

DM for Salesforce referral if you find any relevant openings

VMware thecities May 22

Can I dm?

Salesforce Salesfoce May 22

Yes please

ServiceNow eudocbxbc May 17


VMware thecities May 22

Can I DM?

ServiceNow whatnotss May 18

DM for ServiceNow referral

VMware thecities May 22

Can I DM?

ServiceNow immi_10 May 18

DM for ServiceNow

eBay RFTK88 May 18

Dm for eBay

Cohesity imfrked May 19

DM for Akamai

Samsung loljkxd May 20

Hi, Can I DM. I have 3 yoe in Android and Backend

Cohesity imfrked May 20

Yes whoever wants a referal can ping me

Zillow Group dm4z May 19

Dm if you see anything you’d be interested in at #Zillow. This is also an open offer to anyone reading this comment.

Save Mart BestBagger May 22

Isn’t Zillow only hiring in Mexico/abroad? Or did that revert?

Zillow Group dm4z May 23

It really depends on the team / role. I’d say it’s 50/50.

Twilio gBkK31 May 19

DM for twilio

Samsung loljkxd May 20

Hi, Can I DM. I have 3 yoe in Android and Backend

Twilio gBkK31 May 20


PayPal nerdster13 May 19

DM for PayPal

Samsung loljkxd May 20

Hi, Can I DM. I have 3 yoe in Android and Backend

PayPal nerdster13 May 20


Splunk of cvn May 23

Check Splunk careers and let me know