Single people, would you hire an escort to accompany you to company party?

Or is it better to show up alone.

136 Participants
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Oracle Benj_Const Apr 27

Dr House always does it.

Analog Devices Chococatt Apr 27

Why bring sand to the beach?

Capital One b82zkz8h Apr 27

Are you saying the company is full of escorts and don’t bother bringing more?

MathWorks MachoMan07 Apr 27

Who gives a fuck. What’s the difference between all of those gold digging wife / girlfriend and prostitutes anyway?

Google Prbw07 Apr 27

What's with all the incels on Blind recently?

Amazon hyrdv Apr 27

Japan takes it to the next level. You can rent a sexual partner, date, family, etc. VLIT58 Apr 27

Just go f*** the escort after the company party like a normal human.

Amazon hyrdv Apr 27

I've never seen someone place so much importance on a company party or feel the need to bring someone, let alone an escort, to it.

Kaiser Permanente oqFj61 Apr 27

Some people want to make an impression. What kind of impression, I don't know.

Instacart YdOP30 Apr 27

If you want to be mocked for weeks afterwards as the guy who brought an escort.

Netflix NFLXHDL Apr 27

It would be quite embarrassing if your colleagues recognize the escort

Microsoft 🥜farm Apr 27

If she advertises, which is how you found her, and shows her face, someone will recognize her. Eventually. I wouldn’t judge, but others definitely will. So, if you care, don’t. If you DGAF, bring two who are bi and into each other. Go big or go home :)

Amazon RZX 6090 Apr 27

Escorts don’t show their face. If someone recognizes her it means they went to pound town with her. In that situation who would judge you? The only people that recognized her are guilty of the same thing lol.

Kaiser Permanente oqFj61 Apr 27

Well if your colleague brought the same girl in the last party, that could act as an ice breaker. So my suggestion, go for it.

Goldman Sachs TFdh68 Apr 27

Company parties are just business meetings in disguise.

Microsoft DesiStud Apr 27

You always pay for sex. Directly or indirectly