Ugly face, hot body

I completely changed my diet and have been going to the gym regularly 2 years now. Used to be almost obese and hated my body. Now i am super lean and ripped. I love looking at my body in the mirror. But then i look upwards and see my face. Gym (and diet) may have made my body incredible, but it didn't completely remold my facial features enough. I am thinking of undergoing small cosmetic surgery. Wonder if there are good suggestions. Maybe a jawline surgery could be good or a face lift? I am 25 Tc 390

Apple yKT24n 3d

Male body dysmorphia skyrocketing. Nobody cares about your jawline dude. Omg.

ByteDance wantteam 3d

Nah looks matter. Maybe not jawline specifically, but you sound like fat tech worker when you write this

Apple yKT24n 3d

Sure. Encourage OPā€™s body dysmorphia

Amazon HentaiTC 3d

You can easily afford plastic surgery

ByteDance metabyte5 3d

Did OP say they were male?

Apple yKT24n 3d

ā€œSuper lean and rippedā€

Amazon QQGGLL 3d

Knock it off with your leftist nonsense, bytedance

Qualcomm H0meL@nder 3d

Increase your TC so much that looks won't matter šŸ˜‰

Apple ugl OP 3d

I go for women that don't csre about money. But aside from women, being more attractive is proven to result in a better social life and overall treatment by others

Dude, do you even know what jaw surgery would do to your health. Anything natural is always a blessing, keep earning more women will come to you.

Microsoft jiangz 3d

How did you end with that TC at 25

Google sknkhunt42 3d

You know, probably fake ... *waiting for OP to lecture me about his success šŸ˜‚

Roku rokuā¬‡ļø 3d

Why not, that is an average meta e5 TC for example

Microsoft bloomf 3d

Same issue - have 6 pack abs, yet never could lose that face fat. I learned itā€™s genetics - so learned to live with it

Apple ugl OP 3d

I have lost a lot ofbface fat. It is more so the facial structure is not very attractive. You are right about genetics. Your eyes don't suddenly become attractive. The bones in the face aligned a certain way make you more attractive

Rivian RIVlAN 3d

Microsoft libijszn 3d

It might make you look even worst and cause medical problems.

Highspot SftSrvr 3d

Youā€™re 25. Plastic surgery has lifelong, lasting effects not worth the effort. Then you have to maintain it. Whatā€™s so bad about your face that you have to change it?

Apple ugl OP 3d

I just want to look the best i can

LSsO02 3d

But with the plastic surgery: ā€œyou are trying to look the best you canā€™tā€ Iā€™d suggest investing more in your personality and being confident in your own self; also stop comparing yourself with the standards of beauty of today.

Spotify preworkout 3d

Your face doesnā€™t even matter that much, itā€™s more about being clean, well-kept, healthy and confident.