
Weird meth head interviewer

It was just 1 person because the tech lead couldn’t be there. They asked me a standard LC question. They kept interrupting me when I tried to explain my reasoning and just told me I was wrong and it should be like X Y Z. They asked me the time complexity to access an element in a set. I told them O(1) average/expected time complexity and O(n) worst case. They told me I was wrong because I had an array and I need to check each element, I told them my set uses a hash function to map elements, without letting me finish they said I needed to use a map. They’d also keep talking while asking multiple different questions without letting me answer the questions. Like what do you do when you have a dumbass interviewer like this. I just went with whatever they said with little pushback.

49 Participants
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Amazon MajaLeRobb OP May 9

Oh yeah they also left the interview in the midst of me solving an LC question for 10 minutes lol.

^_^ May 9


Amazon MajaLeRobb OP May 9

T3 tech company.

Balyasny Asset Management bamily_guy May 9

You are a moron.

Amazon MajaLeRobb OP May 9

Thanks for the input.

Amazon gYkG15 May 9

Plot twist: OP interviewed with Balyasny Asset Management

ByteDance iCCuP May 9

Happened once for me. I shared my screen and pulled up API docs because he wouldn’t stop arguing with me. Shut him up completely and I ended up getting that job.

Amazon MajaLeRobb OP May 9


Microsoft ⬜Plain⬜ May 9

hope you don't work at that company right now. bit absurd

JPMorgan Chase shaytoon May 9

A lot of shit heads in this industry bc they snuck in solving leetcode questions tagged for their company that they saw before their interview so they got lucky, but don’t truly know fundamentals. Leetcode ruined SWE.

Meta pip_patrol May 9

leetcode just highlighted how absurd it is to ask puzzles to get a job

Microsoft ⬜Plain⬜ May 9

by memorizing the solution before the interview, they've reduced their interview runtime to O(1) , but at the memory cost of O(L) where L is all leetcode problems. works as long as you assume your interviewer will ask a problem from L.

Instacart YdOP30 May 9

Calling someone a methhead because you didn’t do well on the interview is exactly why you aren’t going to get the job

Amazon MajaLeRobb OP May 9

Ok instacart. It’s just a clickbait title nothing serious lol. Got offers from Microsoft and Meta already.

Instacart YdOP30 May 9

Loooool I got so many offers I don’t even need you. I’m going back to my Canadian super model girlfriend….

ByteDance Wejdjd May 9

Are you indian? Maybe they just hate you.

Amazon MajaLeRobb OP May 9

Nah no race thing both white

Nutanix . . May 9

Ok, makes sense to call interviewer meth head then

Amazon auiwebbxiz May 9

lol on the set thing

Amazon he!!o May 9

Email this feedback to HR and HM.