
What would you do if you had 350k in a high yield interest savings account?

I know it’s not the best to keep everything in savings, but not sure what I should be doing between fidelity or real estate investment. Help please! Thank you

Salesforce tweezerman Aug 24, 2023

Split into two savings accounts

Amplitude brrrrrr Aug 24, 2023

because FDIC limit?

baseball4L OP Aug 24, 2023

Ohhhh wow I didn’t even think of that!

Meta juicyWap Aug 24, 2023

Load up on SPY puts brother! I’ll see you on the other side of the moon 🌙 🚀 🤑

Nuro k3x2al Aug 24, 2023

Fidelity has close to 5% on their money market cash position right now. I don't know what rate you're getting in your savings account but it's worth considering.

smokegun Aug 24, 2023

Move some to Robinhood, they have higher APY

Unisys REOi74 Aug 24, 2023


Amplitude brrrrrr Aug 24, 2023

feels like nvda is peak meme stock right now - would rather buy when it retests prev ATH

Expedia Group EOto38 Aug 24, 2023

Keep about 6-12 months worth of expenses in your HY account for emergencies. Invest the rest in index funds like the total stock market or s&p 500. Don't touch it and let it grow. Sleep soundly.

baseball4L OP Sep 1, 2023

Do you have recommendations for specific index funds ? Thank you for your comment!

Expedia Group EOto38 Sep 1, 2023

1. VTSAX 2. VTI 3. VOO They all have super low fees (Expense Ratios) at 0.03%. You usually want index funds with the lowest fees.

Cisco insolvent Aug 24, 2023

buy a really expensive car don't listen to the lame ass answers like 'investing'

Meta tmzomg Aug 24, 2023

answer depends on your goals and time horizon.

Amazon oNim86 Aug 24, 2023

T-bill ladder until the market corrects then average into ETFs

Riot Games Irvine, CA Aug 24, 2023

Open an account at fidelity and the you can sell puts on good stocks at way OTM price, while collecting 5% interest at the same time.

Microsoft JgdX63 Aug 25, 2023

DCA 90% of it based on your risk tolerance into the market (SPY/IWF/QQQ) every 2 weeks for next 6-12 months only if you don’t need the money for the next 6 years. But if you need it, then HYSA or use treasury direct official website itself to bull T-bills based on duration. Good luck!

baseball4L OP Aug 26, 2023

Thank you! I will research this.. What is DCA?