
Why Americans don’t know how to make good cars?

Japanese cars are well known for reliability Gentleman for prestige Italian for luxury American cars are stupid, heavy and gas intensive

Workday fyinbtuh 4d


Amazon Jacobs 4d

I think OP meant German

Roblox do_it_live 3d

english isnt his first language. Just do the needful and correct it in your head. Its what I do all day long at work.

Stripe essico 4d

Government gives them that.

Microsoft Copilot. 4d

Meta gghjcch 4d

Question isn’t who’s loaded aka “market cap”, it’s why is the quality so shitty aka “Tesla”

Microsoft Copilot. 4d

Guzzoline fanbois get so easily triggred by Tesla

Snap SnaplJaxx 4d

Honda is a Japanese car and their quality has gone down the drain. Toyota remains legit. German for prestige? Anyone with actual money or value in life stops caring about fake stuff like prestige. OP must be Indian for saying such a thing seriously lmao. Italian cars for luxury? Uuhhhh….what Italian car are you buying for luxury? 😂😂😂😂 OP, just admit you don’t know anything about cars and delete this post.

Roblox mJCo55 3d

Most of the things you so confidently wrote are incorrect. Toyota has been caught cheating and even admitted to it. Porsche is German. Italian cars are not luxury vehicles? Just admit that you are too poor to afford any Italian luxury brand and move along.

Snap SnaplJaxx 3d

Which Italian car are you buying for luxury? Ferrari? Lamborghini? Alfa? None of those offer any luxury cars in their lineup. Luxury is Maybach, Bentley, Rolls, etc. Being an expensive sports car doesn’t make something luxury. The closest thing would be Lamborghini’s Urus….but a rebadged Q8 with a body kit and stiffer suspension is definitely not luxury lol.

Microsoft hy34j 4d

Imagine posting commie shit like this around the 4th of July. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go burn gallons of gas in my F-150.

Capital One 🦆🦆✨️ 4d

Waste money to own the libs

Samsung Ὀδυσεύς 4d

Uh oh. This pavement princess is about to own the libs.

Apple $/@/@|% 4d

Are Americans good at making anything?

Meta chat2 4d

Other than technology (software and hardware), finance, cars, appliances, oil, chemicals, military equipment, research...yes

Google alpaca 🦙 4d

Are indians ever not overestimating their ability for anything? Lie lie lie and fake fake fake until the death bed

Transformco whynotbe 4d

Lmao my Tesla is faster than 99% of cars. American made bay bee.

Microsoft boys239 OP 4d

Lol, the most overrated car in the world

Transformco whynotbe 4d

I get it. You've never driven one.

Capital One 🦆🦆✨️ 4d

America doesn't need to make good cars because they have a captive market. You cant live without a car, the car lobby destroyed reasonable designs for cities. Imports are expensive or tightly regulated. You can't even get a normal sized truck from overseas because of CAFE and the chicken tax. They don't need to make quality because you'll but from them anyways.

ex-Block igffg 3d

What are you talking about dude Japanese cars way outperform American cars in the US

Panopto emojicon 4d

Many American firms have a highly toxic history from which they're still recovering. The idea of individualism, hierarchy, and competition slowly transitioned these companies from efficient and streamlined production factories into hell holes. Workers started having jobs as dumb as attaching a left door to a frame, and they often not only weren't motivated to report problems which occurred on the factory line, but were often even punished. This bread distrust of workers in their management, and management began to view these workers as dumb cogs who didn't deserve respect. Then the rise of unions was the inevitable result, and the unions eventually became even worse. The management began to have no power over their factories, and (no exaggeration) at one time in almost any factory in Detroit, you could find gambling, blow, prostitution.... And if a manager complained the unions would threaten to strike. The manager of managers decided the way to fix this was to turn the screws on local managers to keep production high, so it's just easier to not disrupt production, even while the quality and efficiency continued to decay out from underneath them. Companies, incl American classics like Ford, started shipping their manufacturing to Mexico which also lead to huge problems and for push back from unions. The cycle continued until the 2008 crash, when big surprise, daddy govt bailed out the industry. Today it remains a shell of its former glory 70 years ago. Since then, things have gotten somewhat better, but our edge evaporated entirely. Otoh, the Japanese culture of continual improvement and workers empowered to "see something, say something" when there was a problem leant itself much better to this type of manufacturing. Today, ford still makes cars by shipping their toxic culture to Mexico and importing the products, while companies like Kia (Korean) brought their better culture here and began manufacturing in the US with positive results. Personally? Would much rather own a Kia which was manufactured here in a healthy and functioning factory than a Ford. Weird world

Nutanix մարդ 4d

Well written thoughts. But I still buy the Japanese car that was “made in Japan”. I have 4 Japanese cars, two were manufactured in Japan and two in the US. The ones from Japan are still intact with no end in sight even after a decade. But the US ones are falling apart, shakes and make noises. So the next ones I will buy have to be made in Japan. Lessons learned.

Panopto emojicon 4d

Interesting. Which brands if I may ask? My uncle has a Kia that came with 10 year 100k mile warranty, they did a free tune up at 99k something like 6 years ago, and he hasn't had to do anything major with it since.

Juniper Networks FordTorres 4d

What about Korean cars?

Microsoft libijszn 4d

Those look good but have crap reliability.

ex-Block igffg 3d

Korean cars are very reliable what are you talking about?