Why is Biden orange now?

My insiders at the White House say the new strategy is to show up looking like Trump at the next debate and make everyone think Trump is incoherent and has dementia. Blind Tax: $175k

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Applied Materials MITPhDdude 3d

He saw how many H-1Bs we have flooding in taking jobs from Americans.

Amazon skipyTh 3d

Dems think coloring will hide demntia

boombox2 3d

Plot twist: Trump is incoherent, has dementia and smells bad.

Metaboooo got a new account.

Oracle ZMGq15 3d

Lol. Biden went Orange.

LiveRamp Cfmo17 3d

This is just sad, spray tanning papa like that.

The droopy eyelid looks like my friend right after he had a stroke.

Vizient yBPw72 3d

Biden and Trump are actors playing a role. Everything you are seeing is scripted. Stop falling for the soap opera. Just remember I told you so.

Arista Networks UltraSpicy 3d
