Why isn’t Trump dropping out?

Here is the expanded list of grievances, now doubled without repetition: 1. He’s totally incompetent. 2. A narcissist. 3. A liar. 4. Attempted a coup against the United States of America. 5. An adulterer. 6. A braggart. 7. Impulsive. 8. Unhealthy. 9. Filed for bankruptcy. 10. Can’t have a stable marriage. 11. A FELON. 12. Caused COVID-19 to spiral out of control. 13. An uneducated buffoon. 14. Impeached twice. 15. A puppet for foreign dictators. 16. No actual qualifications. 17. Will bring about the destruction of the United States. 18. Divisive and polarizing. 19. Undermines democratic institutions. 20. Promotes conspiracy theories. 21. Disrespects veterans and military service members. 22. Incites violence and hatred. 23. Undermines the rule of law. 24. Misuses presidential powers. 25. Alienates international allies. 26. Promotes racism and xenophobia. 27. Mismanages national resources. 28. Erodes public trust in government. 29. Obstructs justice. 30. Lacks empathy and compassion. 31. Undermines scientific and factual information. 32. Engages in nepotism and cronyism. 33. Disrespects women and minorities. 34. Promotes economic inequality. 35. Lacks transparency and accountability. 36. Fosters a culture of corruption. 37. Misleads the public with false information. 38. Undermines environmental protections. 39. Uses divisive rhetoric to pit groups against each other. 40. Prioritizes personal gain over national interest. 41. Undermines healthcare systems. 42. Promotes authoritarianism. 43. Alienates and insults other world leaders. 44. Abuses executive orders to bypass Congress. 45. Disregards ethical norms. 46. Encourages white supremacist groups. 47. Undermines voting rights and election integrity. 48. Fails to address climate change effectively. 49. Engages in reckless foreign policies. 50. Disregards expert advice. 51. Has a history of discriminatory housing practices. 52. Lacks respect for the judiciary. 53. Exploits national crises for political gain. 54. Encourages misinformation and fake news. 55. Undermines public education. 56. Uses public office for personal business interests. 57. Promotes anti-immigrant policies. 58. Undermines labor rights and protections. 59. Engages in smear campaigns against opponents. 60. Lacks respect for human rights. 61. Manipulates the media. 62. Uses inflammatory language to divide the nation. 63. Abuses social media platforms for political attacks. 64. Disregards international treaties and agreements. 65. Uses public funds for personal expenses. 66. Undermines the intelligence community. 67. Engages in cyberbullying. 68. Erodes civil liberties. 69. Disregards pandemic response guidelines. 70. Engages in voter suppression tactics. 71. Promotes a culture of fear and intimidation. 72. Undermines press freedom. 73. Encourages attacks on political opponents. 74. Mismanages disaster response. 75. Undermines LGBTQ+ rights. 76. Promotes policies harmful to indigenous communities. 77. Disregards whistleblower protections. 78. Engages in personal vendettas against critics. 79. Undermines scientific research funding. 80. Fails to denounce hate crimes. 81. Promotes wealth inequality through tax policies. 82. Undermines affordable housing initiatives. 83. Disregards food and drug safety regulations. 84. Uses pardons to protect allies from prosecution. 85. Engages in retaliatory actions against whistleblowers. 86. Undermines international humanitarian efforts. 87. Promotes policies that increase homelessness. 88. Disregards the mental health crisis. 89. Uses fearmongering for political gain. 90. Undermines social security and Medicare. 91. Promotes policies that harm small businesses. 92. Engages in unethical business practices. 93. Fails to protect national cybersecurity. 94. Uses government resources for re-election campaigns. 95. Disregards animal welfare protections. 96. Engages in misleading advertising and propaganda. 97. Promotes policies that harm the environment. 98. Undermines national unity. 99. Uses divisive tactics to distract from failures. 100. Disregards international human rights standards.

LinkedIn o0gl9mp 4d

Surely orange man is not as bad as you purport him to be?

Block gamBLING$ 4d

True he’s worse

Don’t care, still voting Trump.

Apple bzientbL OP 4d

Why do you hate your country

Fortive BlueKippa 3d

Hating your country is voting for a corpse who, despite actively claiming Donald Trump is a threat to democracy, is himself an even bigger threat to democracy.

LinkedIn fjdw366be4 4d

When it's an easy win, why would you quit?

Wayfair wayt 4d

Trump 2024

Meta NqgR43 3d

Imagine a presidential campaign backing a pedophile. Oh wait…

Are other politicians not the same but just hypocrites. At least he's being honest about being dishonest. If you think other politicians do not have these qualities, you are in massive delusion.

Salesforce y53sbtabt 3d

Where are you seeing him acknowledging the fact that he lies nonstop? Because this is what he's actually saying https://www.newsweek.com/trump-says-hes-most-honest-human-being-god-has-ever-created-1696687

Microsoft MCUy71 4d

Already voting Trump, you don't need to convince me anymore!

Google Rakeshi 4d

Trump is my President

Zendesk xWaQ60 3d

Then you're living in the past, and it shows. Just like his policies.

Meta AJXE51 3d

You will own nothing and you will be happy.

ex-Meta maivia 4d

Cope and seethe #MAGA

Wayfair wayt 4d

That list is too short to convince anyone, could you make it at least 500 bullet points long?

Apple bzientbL OP 4d

1. He’s totally incompetent. 2. A narcissist. 3. A liar. 4. Attempted a coup against the United States of America. 5. An adulterer. 6. A braggart. 7. Impulsive. 8. Unhealthy. 9. Filed for bankruptcy. 10. Can’t have a stable marriage. 11. A FELON. 12. Caused COVID-19 to spiral out of control. 13. An uneducated buffoon. 14. Impeached twice. 15. A puppet for foreign dictators. 16. No actual qualifications. 17. Will bring about the destruction of the United States. 18. Divisive and polarizing. 19. Undermines democratic institutions. 20. Promotes conspiracy theories. 21. Disrespects veterans and military service members. 22. Incites violence and hatred. 23. Undermines the rule of law. 24. Misuses presidential powers. 25. Alienates international allies. 26. Promotes racism and xenophobia. 27. Mismanages national resources. 28. Erodes public trust in government. 29. Obstructs justice. 30. Lacks empathy and compassion. 31. Undermines scientific and factual information. 32. Engages in nepotism and cronyism. 33. Disrespects women and minorities. 34. Promotes economic inequality. 35. Lacks transparency and accountability. 36. Fosters a culture of corruption. 37. Misleads the public with false information. 38. Undermines environmental protections. 39. Uses divisive rhetoric to pit groups against each other. 40. Prioritizes personal gain over national interest. 41. Undermines healthcare systems. 42. Promotes authoritarianism. 43. Alienates and insults other world leaders. 44. Abuses executive orders to bypass Congress. 45. Disregards ethical norms. 46. Encourages white supremacist groups. 47. Undermines voting rights and election integrity. 48. Fails to address climate change effectively. 49. Engages in reckless foreign policies. 50. Disregards expert advice. 51. Has a history of discriminatory housing practices. 52. Lacks respect for the judiciary. 53. Exploits national crises for political gain. 54. Encourages misinformation and fake news. 55. Undermines public education. 56. Uses public office for personal business interests. 57. Promotes anti-immigrant policies. 58. Undermines labor rights and protections. 59. Engages in smear campaigns against opponents. 60. Lacks respect for human rights. 61. Manipulates the media. 62. Uses inflammatory language to divide the nation. 63. Abuses social media platforms for political attacks. 64. Disregards international treaties and agreements. 65. Uses public funds for personal expenses. 66. Undermines the intelligence community. 67. Engages in cyberbullying. 68. Erodes civil liberties. 69. Disregards pandemic response guidelines. 70. Engages in voter suppression tactics. 71. Promotes a culture of fear and intimidation. 72. Undermines press freedom. 73. Encourages attacks on political opponents. 74. Mismanages disaster response. 75. Undermines LGBTQ+ rights. 76. Promotes policies harmful to indigenous communities. 77. Disregards whistleblower protections. 78. Engages in personal vendettas against critics. 79. Undermines scientific research funding. 80. Fails to denounce hate crimes. 81. Promotes wealth inequality through tax policies. 82. Undermines affordable housing initiatives. 83. Disregards food and drug safety regulations. 84. Uses pardons to protect allies from prosecution. 85. Engages in retaliatory actions against whistleblowers. 86. Undermines international humanitarian efforts. 87. Promotes policies that increase homelessness. 88. Disregards the mental health crisis. 89. Uses fearmongering for political gain. 90. Undermines social security and Medicare. 91. Promotes policies that harm small businesses. 92. Engages in unethical business practices. 93. Fails to protect national cybersecurity. 94. Uses government resources for re-election campaigns. 95. Disregards animal welfare protections. 96. Engages in misleading advertising and propaganda. 97. Promotes policies that harm the environment. 98. Undermines national unity. 99. Uses divisive tactics to distract from failures. 100. Disregards international human rights standards. 101. Lacks integrity and honesty. 102. Promotes a toxic work environment. 103. Engages in unethical financial practices. 104. Fails to protect worker safety and rights. 105. Undermines public health initiatives. 106. Engages in character assassination of opponents. 107. Undermines social justice efforts. 108. Disregards historical preservation and cultural heritage. 109. Uses intimidation tactics against journalists. 110. Promotes censorship and suppression of free speech. 111. Disregards international norms and standards. 112. Engages in political retribution. 113. Promotes discriminatory immigration policies. 114. Undermines the integrity of the census. 115. Promotes a culture of dishonesty. 116. Fails to address the opioid crisis. 117. Undermines civil rights protections. 118. Engages in corrupt business practices. 119. Uses political office for personal gain. 120. Disregards ethical guidelines for government officials. 121. Undermines the federal workforce. 122. Promotes a climate of fear and uncertainty. 123. Engages in unethical campaign practices. 124. Disregards environmental sustainability. 125. Fails to address income inequality. 126. Uses inflammatory language to incite violence. 127. Disregards national security concerns. 128. Promotes policies that harm rural communities. 129. Undermines the credibility of the justice system. 130. Fails to protect vulnerable populations. 131. Engages in politically motivated prosecutions. 132. Disregards privacy rights. 133. Promotes policies that harm urban communities. 134. Uses taxpayer money for personal benefit. 135. Disregards the separation of powers. 136. Undermines international peace efforts. 137. Engages in economic mismanagement. 138. Uses political influence for personal advantage. 139. Promotes policies that harm the middle class. 140. Disregards workplace safety regulations. 141. Undermines the integrity of scientific research. 142. Engages in conflict of interest. 143. Promotes policies that harm public transportation. 144. Uses divisive language to undermine national unity. 145. Disregards the importance of diplomacy. 146. Engages in discriminatory hiring practices. 147. Promotes policies that harm the elderly. 148. Uses political office to enrich family members. 149. Undermines the effectiveness of public programs. 150. Engages in unethical lobbying practices. 151. Disregards the importance of education funding. 152. Promotes policies that harm public safety. 153. Uses political office for personal revenge. 154. Undermines the credibility of public institutions. 155. Engages in corrupt financial dealings. 156. Disregards the importance of public service. 157. Promotes policies that harm the poor. 158. Uses public office for personal vendettas. 159. Undermines the effectiveness of the military. 160. Engages in unethical legal practices. 161. Disregards the importance of public health. 162. Promotes policies that harm veterans. 163. Uses political office to silence critics. 164. Undermines the credibility of the media. 165. Engages in fraudulent business practices. 166. Disregards the importance of public trust. 167. Promotes policies that harm the disabled. 168. Uses political office to settle personal scores. 169. Undermines the credibility of the healthcare system. 170. Engages in unethical fundraising practices. 171. Disregards the importance of social services. 172. Promotes policies that harm public housing. 173. Uses political office for personal enrichment. 174. Undermines the credibility of the education system. 175. Engages in corrupt real estate dealings. 176. Disregards the importance of public infrastructure. 177. Promotes policies that harm the environment. 178. Uses political office to protect personal interests. 179. Undermines the credibility of the judicial system. 180. Engages in unethical advertising practices. 181. Disregards the importance of community development. 182. Promotes policies that harm healthcare access. 183. Uses political office to manipulate public opinion. 184. Undermines the credibility of the electoral process. 185. Engages in fraudulent tax practices. 186. Disregards the importance of mental health services. 187. Promotes policies that harm educational access. 188. Uses political office for personal gain. 189. Undermines the credibility of scientific research. 190. Engages in unethical campaign financing. 191. Disregards the importance of public safety. 192. Promotes policies that harm the agricultural sector. 193. Uses political office to suppress dissent. 194. Undermines the credibility of the public sector. 195. Engages in fraudulent business practices. 196. Disregards the importance of social equity. 197. Promotes policies that harm small businesses. 198. Uses political office for personal benefit. 199. Undermines the credibility of the healthcare system. 200. Engages in unethical political practices. 201. Disregards the importance of environmental protection. 202. Promotes policies that harm economic stability. 203. Uses political office to suppress opposition. 204. Undermines the credibility of public institutions. 205. Engages in fraudulent campaign practices. 206. Disregards the importance of public health initiatives. 207. Promotes policies that harm community development. 208. Uses political office for personal advantage. 209. Undermines the credibility of the justice system. 210. Engages in unethical legal practices. 211. Disregards the importance of social justice. 212. Promotes policies that harm public transportation. 213. Uses political office to protect personal interests. 214. Undermines the integrity of public programs. 215. Engages in unethical financial dealings. 216. Disregards the importance of public education. 217. Promotes policies that harm consumer protections. 218. Uses political office for personal vendettas. 219. Undermines the credibility of the military. 220. Engages in fraudulent real estate practices. 221. Disregards the importance of healthcare access. 222. Promotes policies that harm public housing. 223. Uses political office to protect allies. 224. Undermines the integrity of public infrastructure. 225. Engages in unethical lobbying practices. 226. Disregards the importance of economic stability. 227. Promotes policies that harm national security. 228. Uses political office to manipulate media. 229. Undermines the credibility of the electoral process. 230. Engages in corrupt financial practices. 231. Disregards the importance of public trust. 232. Promotes policies that harm rural economies. 233. Uses political office for personal benefit. 234. Undermines the credibility of public health. 235. Engages in unethical campaign tactics. 236. Disregards the importance of environmental sustainability. 237. Promotes policies that harm labor rights. 238. Uses political office to suppress critics. 239. Undermines the credibility of scientific research. 240. Engages in corrupt business dealings. 241. Disregards the importance of social services. 242. Promotes policies that harm education funding. 243. Uses political office for personal enrichment. 244. Undermines the credibility of public safety. 245. Engages in unethical advertising practices. 246. Disregards the importance of healthcare initiatives. 247. Promotes policies that harm economic growth. 248. Uses political office to settle scores. 249. Undermines the credibility of the justice system. 250. Engages in fraudulent business activities. 251. Disregards the importance of social equity. 252. Promotes policies that harm small business owners. 253. Uses political office for personal revenge. 254. Undermines the credibility of the healthcare sector. 255. Engages in unethical political behavior. 256. Disregards the importance of environmental protection. 257. Promotes policies that harm public safety. 258. Uses political office to manipulate public opinion. 259. Undermines the credibility of public institutions. 260. Engages in corrupt financial activities. 261. Disregards the importance of public health services. 262. Promotes policies that harm community safety. 263. Uses political office for personal advantage. 264. Undermines the credibility of the justice sector. 265. Engages in unethical legal behavior. 266. Disregards the importance of social justice efforts. 267. Promotes policies that harm public transportation. 268. Uses political office to protect personal interests. 269. Undermines the credibility of public programs. 270. Engages in fraudulent financial practices. 271. Disregards the importance of healthcare access. 272. Promotes policies that harm consumer rights. 273. Uses political office for personal benefit. 274. Undermines the credibility of the public sector. 275. Engages in unethical lobbying activities. 276. Disregards the importance of economic stability. 277. Promotes policies that harm national security. 278. Uses political office to manipulate media narratives. 279. Undermines the credibility of the electoral process. 280. Engages in corrupt financial dealings. 281. Disregards the importance of public trust. 282. Promotes policies that harm rural economies. 283. Uses political office for personal gain. 284. Undermines the credibility of public health initiatives. 285. Engages in unethical campaign tactics. 286. Disregards the importance of environmental sustainability. 287. Promotes policies that harm labor rights. 288. Uses political office to suppress opposition. 289. Undermines the credibility of scientific research. 290. Engages in corrupt business dealings. 291. Disregards the importance of social services. 292. Promotes policies that harm education access. 293. Uses political office for personal enrichment. 294. Undermines the credibility of public safety initiatives. 295. Engages in unethical advertising practices. 296. Disregards the importance of healthcare programs. 297. Promotes policies that harm economic development. 298. Uses political office to settle personal scores. 299. Undermines the credibility of the justice system. 300. Engages in fraudulent business practices. 301. Disregards the importance of social equity. 302. Promotes policies that harm small businesses. 303. Uses political office for personal revenge. 304. Undermines the credibility of the healthcare sector. 305. Engages in unethical political practices. 306. Disregards the importance of environmental protection. 307. Promotes policies that harm public safety. 308. Uses political office to manipulate public opinion. 309. Undermines the credibility of public institutions. 310. Engages in corrupt financial activities. 311. Disregards the importance of public health services. 312. Promotes policies that harm community 313. Promotes policies that harm community health. 314. Uses political office for personal advantage. 315. Undermines the credibility of the justice sector. 316. Engages in unethical legal practices. 317. Disregards the importance of social justice. 318. Promotes policies that harm public transportation. 319. Uses political office to protect personal interests. 320. Undermines the credibility of public programs. 321. Engages in fraudulent financial practices. 322. Disregards the importance of healthcare access. 323. Promotes policies that harm consumer rights. 324. Uses political office for personal benefit. 325. Undermines the credibility of the public sector. 326. Engages in unethical lobbying activities. 327. Disregards the importance of economic stability. 328. Promotes policies that harm national security. 329. Uses political office to manipulate media narratives. 330. Undermines the credibility of the electoral process. 331. Engages in corrupt financial dealings. 332. Disregards the importance of public trust. 333. Promotes policies that harm rural economies. 334. Uses political office for personal gain. 335. Undermines the credibility of public health initiatives. 336. Engages in unethical campaign tactics. 337. Disregards the importance of environmental sustainability. 338. Promotes policies that harm labor rights. 339. Uses political office to suppress opposition. 340. Undermines the credibility of scientific research. 341. Engages in corrupt business dealings. 342. Disregards the importance of social services. 343. Promotes policies that harm education access. 344. Uses political office for personal enrichment. 345. Undermines the credibility of public safety initiatives. 346. Engages in unethical advertising practices. 347. Disregards the importance of healthcare programs. 348. Promotes policies that harm economic development. 349. Uses political office to settle personal scores. 350. Undermines the credibility of the justice system. 351. Engages in fraudulent business practices. 352. Disregards the importance of social equity. 353. Promotes policies that harm small businesses. 354. Uses political office for personal revenge. 355. Undermines the credibility of the healthcare sector. 356. Engages in unethical political practices. 357. Disregards the importance of environmental protection. 358. Promotes policies that harm public safety. 359. Uses political office to manipulate public opinion. 360. Undermines the credibility of public institutions. 361. Engages in corrupt financial activities. 362. Disregards the importance of public health services. 363. Promotes policies that harm community health. 364. Uses political office for personal advantage. 365. Undermines the credibility of the justice sector. 366. Engages in unethical legal practices. 367. Disregards the importance of social justice. 368. Promotes policies that harm public transportation. 369. Uses political office to protect personal interests. 370. Undermines the credibility of public programs. 371. Engages in fraudulent financial practices. 372. Disregards the importance of healthcare access. 373. Promotes policies that harm consumer rights. 374. Uses political office for personal benefit. 375. Undermines the credibility of the public sector. 376. Engages in unethical lobbying activities. 377. Disregards the importance of economic stability. 378. Promotes policies that harm national security. 379. Uses political office to manipulate media narratives. 380. Undermines the credibility of the electoral process. 381. Engages in corrupt financial dealings. 382. Disregards the importance of public trust. 383. Promotes policies that harm rural economies. 384. Uses political office for personal gain. 385. Undermines the credibility of public health initiatives. 386. Engages in unethical campaign tactics. 387. Disregards the importance of environmental sustainability. 388. Promotes policies that harm labor rights. 389. Uses political office to suppress opposition. 390. Undermines the credibility of scientific research. 391. Engages in corrupt business dealings. 392. Disregards the importance of social services. 393. Promotes policies that harm education access. 394. Uses political office for personal enrichment. 395. Undermines the credibility of public safety initiatives. 396. Engages in unethical advertising practices. 397. Disregards the importance of healthcare programs. 398. Promotes policies that harm economic development. 399. Uses political office to settle personal scores. 400. Undermines the credibility of the justice system. 401. Engages in fraudulent business practices. 402. Disregards the importance of social equity. 403. Promotes policies that harm small businesses. 404. Uses political office for personal revenge. 405. Undermines the credibility of the healthcare sector. 406. Engages in unethical political practices. 407. Disregards the importance of environmental protection. 408. Promotes policies that harm public safety. 409. Uses political office to manipulate public opinion. 410. Undermines the credibility of public institutions. 411. Engages in corrupt financial activities. 412. Disregards the importance of public health services. 413. Promotes policies that harm community health. 414. Uses political office for personal advantage. 415. Undermines the credibility of the justice sector. 416. Engages in unethical legal practices. 417. Disregards the importance of social justice. 418. Promotes policies that harm public transportation. 419. Uses political office to protect personal interests. 420. Undermines the credibility of public programs. 421. Engages in fraudulent financial practices. 422. Disregards the importance of healthcare access. 423. Promotes policies that harm consumer rights. 424. Uses political office for personal benefit. 425. Undermines the credibility of the public sector. 426. Engages in unethical lobbying activities. 427. Disregards the importance of economic stability. 428. Promotes policies that harm national security. 429. Uses political office to manipulate media narratives. 430. Undermines the credibility of the electoral process. 431. Engages in corrupt financial dealings. 432. Disregards the importance of public trust. 433. Promotes policies that harm rural economies. 434. Uses political office for personal gain. 435. Undermines the credibility of public health initiatives. 436. Engages in unethical campaign tactics. 437. Disregards the importance of environmental sustainability. 438. Promotes policies that harm labor rights. 439. Uses political office to suppress opposition. 440. Undermines the credibility of scientific research. 441. Engages in corrupt business dealings. 442. Disregards the importance of social services. 443. Promotes policies that harm education access. 444. Uses political office for personal enrichment. 445. Undermines the credibility of public safety initiatives. 446. Engages in unethical advertising practices. 447. Disregards the importance of healthcare programs. 448. Promotes policies that harm economic development. 449. Uses political office to settle personal scores. 450. Undermines the credibility of the justice system. 451. Engages in fraudulent business practices. 452. Disregards the importance of social equity. 453. Promotes policies that harm small businesses. 454. Uses political office for personal revenge. 455. Undermines the credibility of the healthcare sector. 456. Engages in unethical political practices. 457. Disregards the importance of environmental protection. 458. Promotes policies that harm public safety. 459. Uses political office to manipulate public opinion. 460. Undermines the credibility of public institutions. 461. Engages in corrupt financial activities. 462. Disregards the importance of public health services. 463. Promotes policies that harm community health. 464. Uses political office for personal advantage. 465. Undermines the credibility of the justice sector. 466. Engages in unethical legal practices. 467. Disregards the importance of social justice. 468. Promotes policies that harm public transportation. 469. Uses political office to protect personal interests. 470. Undermines the credibility of public programs. 471. Engages in fraudulent financial practices. 472. Disregards the importance of healthcare access. 473. Promotes policies that harm consumer rights. 474. Uses political office for personal benefit. 475. Undermines the credibility of the public sector. 476. Engages in unethical lobbying activities. 477. Disregards the importance of economic stability. 478. Promotes policies that harm national security. 479. Uses political office to manipulate media narratives. 480. Undermines the credibility of the electoral process. 481. Engages in corrupt financial dealings. 482. Disregards the importance of public trust. 483. Promotes policies that harm rural economies. 484. Uses political office for personal gain. 485. Undermines the credibility of public health initiatives. 486. Engages in unethical campaign tactics. 487. Disregards the importance of environmental sustainability. 488. Promotes policies that harm labor rights. 489. Uses political office to suppress opposition. 490. Undermines the credibility of scientific research. 491. Engages in corrupt business dealings. 492. Disregards the importance of social services. 493. Promotes policies that harm education access. 494. Uses political office for personal enrichment. 495. Undermines the credibility of public safety initiatives. 496. Engages in unethical advertising practices. 497. Disregards the importance of healthcare programs. 498. Promotes policies that harm economic development. 499. Uses political office to settle personal scores. 500. Undermines the credibility of the justice system.

Wayfair wayt 3d

Thank you. Much better now, GPT

Google OrangeGod 4d

You covered 100 of his disqualifications and still didn't manage to cover his rape adjudication, hurricane nukes, documents scandal etc? Honestly speaking, the thing with MAGA and Trump is that they have finally found a warrior who is a middle finger to all the things they hate and have owned him like no one before. Nothing, absolutely nothing, stands in their way to provide a permission structure where in a Trump vs Rest contest, Trump is always better. I have never seen this level of blinding loyalty towards a single politician ......and....the most fucked up part about this is that Trump is the least deserving person of their loyalty. The man is a human filth but is also the luckiest mofo to have ever entered politics.

Apple Handan💗💕 3d

I couldn't agree more. Ppl backing him are brainwashed and they have no clue what's in it for them. Loyalty goes both ways but these blind cult members don't know that. I wish Biden should use his newly vested presidential powers by the supreme court to stop this maniac