HousingDec 27, 2018

Those who bought 1M+ homes

Recently discovered that mortgage interest could only be deducted for mortgages upto 1M and that has been reduced to 750K starting this year. To those who bought houses in the last few years, what was the thought process? Was it "you need to live somewhere"? To those planning on buying in the next few years, how does this affect you? Are there any clever legal ways to work around this?

F5 Networks Op64em Dec 27, 2018

Have wife and kid. Need somewhere that I can't get forced to move from.

Google KissMyPiss Dec 27, 2018

Work around what? If you are relying on the tax deduction to afford your home, you bought too much home. You want a legal workaround? Call up a CPA or make more money. Alternatively buy a DeLoran, drive it up to 88mph, go back in time, then tell yourself not to buy the house you couldn't afford.

F5 Networks Op64em Dec 27, 2018

The Libyans WILL do the needful on your ass and it won't be kind!

Autodesk senator Dec 27, 2018

This. Minus the time travel. If you discover time travel, never use it. You will only make things worse. Trust me, I know.

Microsoft kWKR23 Dec 27, 2018

250k difference would make less than $200 in monthly tax saving. For people who can afford 1M, that is almost nothing.

ladka Dec 27, 2018

People try to optimize for $200 in HOA fee. I don't think $200 is insignificant.

Microsoft verbal OP Dec 27, 2018

The 200$ difference is for a 1M mortgage. It would be higher for most buyers buying in SF. $3-5K every year is significant

ktFx33 Dec 27, 2018

If you plan on staying in the house 5+ years it’s fine to buy

Uber Travesty Dec 27, 2018

Uncle Sam is a cheat. Need more money? Steal it away from tax payers

Oath fat Dec 28, 2018

Need roads? Build your own!

Microsoft hellobyby Dec 27, 2018

OP you are grandfathered in if you bought before a certain date in 2017

Facebook public2 Dec 27, 2018

Tax deduction is just icing on the cake. Alternatively if you bought a rental the taxes were slashed heavily this year!

Amazon meodjhfhf Dec 28, 2018

How was it slashed?

Facebook public2 Dec 28, 2018

It was 35% and now it's 21%. That to me is a "slash" as we get to take home an extra 40% this year!

FICO santon Dec 27, 2018

I have a feeling, OP thinks, if the mortgage crosses 750k, nothing will be admissible. Even people with 1m+ homes can claim interest till 750k or 1 m if bought before dec 15 2017. Property tax deductions are capped at 10k. That is another concern as well if house price is higher.

Microsoft verbal OP Dec 27, 2018

That is not what OP thinks :) Fully aware that interest on mortgage upto 750K is deductible.

FICO santon Dec 27, 2018

Alright. Wasn’t clear in the question. Thx for clarifying. In that case, I would say, if the deduction is imp., buy a lower priced home or jack up your down payment. Again this is applicable till 2025. If it falls off at that time, you would have paid most of your interest by that time according to amort schedule. Say for 1.2m house, dp 100k, 5% rate 30y, you would pay apprx. 350k as interest by 2025.

Apple ijyA68 Dec 27, 2018

Can’t deduct your property taxes either right?

Microsoft verbal OP Dec 27, 2018

Can deduct only upto 10K

VMware BobbleHat Dec 27, 2018

For all state and local taxes. So basically unless you are the janitor, you deduct nothing.

Dell mikedell Dec 27, 2018

Lol good luck to anyone with the coming correction

Google KissMyPiss Dec 27, 2018

You mean the one people have been waiting for since 2015?

Salesforce pmyz88 Dec 28, 2018

Yeah but real estate correction will happen after stock market one ..