Tech IndustryMar 24, 2023
Akuna Capital👩‍💻Pro

What makes Apple such a well-run company?

Whatever they launch is usually very successful in the market and high quality. Contrary to other tech companies, they don’t just try lots of things and see what sticks. Are they succeeding despite that lack of experimental innovation or are they succeeding due to this more analytical and concentrated approach?

113 Participants
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Google AYEp75 Mar 24, 2023

Their customers are sheep.

Akuna Capital 👩‍💻Pro OP Mar 24, 2023

Pretty sure the customers would disappear very quickly if the products suddenly became low quality. They’re sheep in the same way Toyota and Honda customers are.

Apple GWJd33 Mar 24, 2023

Aren’t Google jealous

Tableau 3FortNite Mar 24, 2023

The former COO is now the CEO, so he knows how to run the company at the right balance between lean and growth.

LinkedIn chatgeept Mar 24, 2023

They understand consumers

Meta mrtomato Mar 24, 2023


Bloomberg Industry Group bitlab Mar 24, 2023

They have actual products so they don’t have to constantly think about how to monetize. They have a closed ecosystem so that if you buy one of their products you are more likely to buy another to get the benefit of integration. Moreover, their products are both physical and intellectual, but the intellectual products are included in that closed, integrated ecosystem. When you have this level of homogeneity, the stresses of figuring out how to remain profitable become more practical and less existential. Leadership is less likely to be in panic mode, leading to more stability.

Oracle gagddsvh Mar 24, 2023

Cult like following, overpriced products with huge margins followed by conservative approach on company finances.

LinkedIn Jinping Xi Mar 24, 2023

They are still using their iPhone advantage to this day. Eventually it will go down if no new products this year.

Apple caffemax Mar 24, 2023

It is ultimately mainly the legacy of Steve Jobs I think. He made so many right decisions that set Apple up for success long after he’s gone. Probably the two most important things he got right were: creating the iPhone and appointing Tim Cook as his successor.

Plaid burritofan Mar 24, 2023

They force their customers into their proprietary ecosystem unbeknownst to 95% of their clueless user base. The amount of people I know who think lightning cables are the universal standard or that not being able to simply copy/paste on the iPhone the first 5 or so years it was out is mind boggling high

RyIC20 Mar 24, 2023

They don’t hire crap talent. If they aren’t experienced talent, they at least are attractive people which helps close out projects. The rest of FAANG hires you if you have a pulse and can do some leetcode

Apple caffemax Mar 24, 2023

Admittedly the culture of secrecy probably does help a lot. A lot of employees probably don’t even know when there are internal screwups or projects fail and resources were misallocated. Generally only the success stories ever get publicized.