
Woke SF boos Dave Chappelle & Elon

Privileged SF crowd booed Elon & Dave Chappelle while living in one of the most expensive cities in America and earning the highest incomes in the country.

Elon Musk Gets Mercilessly Booed At Dave Chappelle Show
Elon Musk Gets Mercilessly Booed At Dave Chappelle Show
Avanade OPMC81 Dec 12, 2022

Just because the people booing him may be hypocritical or insincere, that doesn't mean that he's not boo-worthy. To say otherwise is just using ad-hominem attacks.

RmtWrk OP Dec 12, 2022

Thx for that ad-hominem attack. 😂

Avanade OPMC81 Dec 12, 2022

Wasn't saying anything about you. Just stating a general fact. If you see it as a personal attack, perhaps reflect on why.

Apple comicaI Dec 12, 2022

Why can “highest income” people living in “most expensive cities” not boo Elon? I mean you can that if you know they specifically boo’d Elon for being rich or for being a tech billionaire. But you don’t know why they boo’d. So what’s your argument?

RmtWrk OP Dec 12, 2022

Check your privilege before being negative

Apple comicaI Dec 12, 2022

Which ones would you like me to check? The privilege of just speaking in cliches and making claims and posts with 0 supporting arguments?

TD pIPX88 Dec 12, 2022

Cry me a river

RmtWrk OP Dec 12, 2022

Boo hoo

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Amazon logicaldir Dec 12, 2022

Nahh.. Elon wouldn't let someone whose alias is "RmtWrk" work for his companies. He needs them in office sharp at 9.

Zoom suduk Dec 12, 2022

How is income relevant?

RmtWrk OP Dec 12, 2022

People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

Zoom suduk Dec 12, 2022

What do you think they’re booing about exactly?

Freddie Mac qPUe75 Dec 12, 2022

I guess OP missed Chapelle dismissing the boos as the cries of poor people. Or does OP think Chapelle is wrong?

Intel Best AI Dec 12, 2022

The Booers just hadn’t gotten their Autopilot sw in their Tesla yet.

Snap ptgssx Dec 12, 2022

So the right wing never boos?

RmtWrk OP Dec 12, 2022

Great deflection

Snap ptgssx Dec 12, 2022

Thank you....Now answer my question

NVIDIA lotun Dec 12, 2022

Musk was attention whoring, got wrecked, and the simps are out blaming "woke."

IBM geauxlang Dec 12, 2022

OP is delusional

RmtWrk OP Dec 12, 2022

And…also correct 😘