COVID-19May 8, 2021
Management Consulting FirmUGH20

I’m preparing to return to office and booked my appointment for JNJ vaccine

Has anyone taken Johnson & Johnson vaccine? , what’s your thoughts on that? I’m choosing it because it’s one dose #covid-19

Amazon techBD3 May 8, 2021

Imagine choosing the worst one because it’s inconvenient to get two doses. Jesus. Lol

Scotiabank hQlx67 May 8, 2021


Management Consulting Firm UGH20 OP May 8, 2021

Worst can’t be an option in this case.

Google sLbR38 May 8, 2021

JNJ is certainly better than nothing. But, if you can get Pfizer or Moderna, I would.

Investment Bank Glinda May 8, 2021

You won't get as sick with J&J. Boosters will be required with all three as early as Fall, so don't worry about which vaccine, just get one.

Johnson is better than Pfizer. There are arguments mRNA could be integrated into dna by mit authors

Reckitt Benckiser SVAM67 May 8, 2021

integrated into dna? Lol, No.

paper at pnas if you can read English

And Pfizer might has heart issues

Hubspot hfgsgx May 9, 2021

This paper is talking about an alleged effect of a Covid infection by the real virus. It's not relevant to discussion of vaccines.

mRNA vaccine share the same key processes of covid. But instead has partial sequences thus no serious affections. I will go for novax or jj

Reverse-transcribed SARS-CoV-2 RNA can integrate into the genome of cultured human cells and can be expressed in patient-derived tissues

Hubspot hfgsgx May 9, 2021

People who spout such nonsense never explain how such RNA can "integrate". Under this reasoning your body is going to "integrate" with virus RNA every time you catch a cold. Also, JnJ uses an adenovirus vector, much like a conventional vaccine. It's not an mRNA vaccine that this RNA disinformation is usually directed at. You can't even keep your antivax propaganda straight.

Varonis Systems CjRj88 May 8, 2021

Just don’t get it

Aon gardettos May 8, 2021

It was fine. Still here.

Google aPTC27 May 8, 2021

Look up whether efficacy is actually higher for Pfizer & moderna or if that’s just a function of when they were studied. It’s not at all clear cut that JNJ is worse, aside from the absolutely microscopic bloodclot risk.