
Can armies be terrorists?

As I'm growing old, I'm now seeing things more clearly than before. Earlier in life I used to accept whatever news media used to tell that some random organization living in caves are terrorist and our armies have to bomb them out. But lately, its becoming clearer who the real terrorists are. People who spend trillions of dollars in producing more and more lethal weaponry, people who run for office vouching decimating millions of people and invading them all under name of fighting terror, people who sell narratives on news media framing people living tens of thousand miles away, who don't even have basic defense capabilities as a threat to us despite our advanced military. In whole Israel war on Gaza, for Oct 7th 1200 deaths revenge war upon Gaza population, shows how a colonizer like Israel can get away without decades of blockade, controlling water and mobility of every Gaza citizen, malnourishing them but occupied population has to bow down and submit to inhuman treatment of Israel. Why? Because they're white, they're jewish and they're rich and have powerful ally like America. All claims of human rights, values were as hollow as empty box. America condemned Iran for forcing women to wear a scarf in public, but same America funds displacement of million women and deaths of 25,000 women and children till date. Same America, who barks at Russia to invade Ukrain, has invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen leaving behind a destroyed series of countries which once were lively and colorful. America that promises democracy where people have right to voice, promotes homosexuality in every forum possible, same America criminalized peaceful demonstrators calling for cease-fire ending genocide in Gaza, using police force to arrest people for exercising their 1st amendment, punishing university presidents for allowing student freedom to differ on white house support of israel, coercing universities to cancel diplomas of graduating students, all while spending 26 bn $ in genocide of Gaza population. We see videos of kids smeared in blood, women crying their eyes out at site of dead kids, hundreds laid in graves everyday but American administration skirts and dances around acting as if they wish the genocide to end and propose oppressive conditions for Hamas to accept. Who in right mind would accept to be subjugated to Israeli population who just wants your blood? Then when Hamas asks U.S. that they want freedom from Israeli occupation, deal goes nowhere and allows another month of massacre. It's been 9 months now. 9 months of deaths, starvation, depression, homelessness, no sanitation. Yes Palestinians are inferior race "Arabs", they're not as noble as Jewish or White european(sarcasm) that they deserve honor like us but they still deserve to live. Hamas did Oct 7th was wrong, but if their one day of terror is justified to kill 40,000 administration staff, then how about Israel's 80 years of terror, shouldn't same law apply to Israeli governement and its army? And blinders, who support Israel as they enjoy deaths of Palestinians. let me ask you, Did India had right to liberate itself from Britain? If yes, why shouldn't Palestinians have same right to free themselves from their occupier Israel? #israelTerrorist #AmericaComplicit #Genocide

Visa cCOv75 Jun 13

Resistance is not terrorism. Itsnotreal lied about Oct 7. Free Palestine.

Amazon sunnyday12 OP Jun 13

It was horrendous lies and now 9 months in, they've successfully killed 100,000 people and prepared environment for rest of 2 million to die either through sickness or starvation or heat of summer or ofcourse daily bombings.

Microsoft jsr1 Jun 13

Leave America. America provides unconditional support to Israel with $4 billion per year plus military weapons and naval security. Both Republicans and Democrats support Israel. So you guys should leave America.

Adobe yuibvfrg Jun 13

East India company was and British government has armies which are terrorists. Butchered almost entire world.

CPOInCA Jun 13

It sounds like you aren't seeing things more clearly. You are now seeing corner cases that don't always need to be exposed. While society in general is never perfect, it's important for us to strive to support our true beliefs and help those who need help. Israel deserves to exist. Palestine needs to learn to co-exist and expunge the terrorist elements that prevent peace. The military industrial complex will always be needed as long as there are rogue factions that threaten others. I'm not naive, I know that it's impossible to have everyone love everyone, but it has to start somewhere.

PagerDuty inacircus Jun 13

Do you mean Palestinians? Because Palestine has been subsumed by Israel. There's no 'Palestine' not currently occupied by Israel. So what you're saying is they need to learn to co-exist with occupation forever

Amazon cusl Jun 13

Israel is not seeking revenge. It's seeking to prevent another attack. It targets Hamas. Nothing to do with white and most Jews aren't white. In fact until fairly recently no one considered any Jews to be white, the definition of "white" has changed over time. Palestinians do not have a right to terrorist violence

Visa cCOv75 Jun 13

19,000 kids are Hamas? Nice.

Microsoft jsr1 Jun 13

50% of Palestinian population are children. 25% are women. Casualties in such a crowded place with be similar to the population.

eBay jGvX71 Jun 13

With age comes wisdom. In your case, only age is coming.

Amazon PIPPPP Jun 13

One man's army/freedom fighter is another man's terrorist

Amazon goodnessno Jun 13

Why is this posted on blind? This is a career website

Splunk 🥬 👑 🥦123 Jun 13

Truth is the first casualty of war 😢 If the self-appointed global policeman embracing double standards thinks you’re a moral army because your lobbying group has them in their pocket, then your army can slaughter 10,000 children in “self-defense”

Amazon goodnessno Jun 13

Much more dirty ME oil money sloshing around Washington than there is from the Israel lobby. Far more. Also someone is paying for all those printed signs, tents and trainers....

Amazon cusl Jun 13

Anyone who thinks Israel is the one benefiting from the lobbying and propaganda is delusional. The lobbying is Arab oil money trying to convince everybody they terrorism is good, democracy is bad and that Jews are colonisers in their own indigenous homeland

Amazon goodnessno Jun 13

I'd try to educate you but it appears you gave neither the willingness or ability to learn. The hiring bar at Amazon really has dropped through the floor. Sad.

Google jvfxxh Jun 17

Your reply is a great example. You are singlehandedly keeping it low

NVIDIA VoteDem🗽 Jun 13

You have luxury beliefs because it's been 23 years since 9/11. When terrorists killed Americans, we wanted them dead, civilian casualties that stood in our way be damned. (Same with Japanese after Pearl Harbor) And 10/7 is much bigger loss for Israel as percentage of the population than 9/11 was for the US.

Amazon cusl Jun 13

Much more recently we killed 80,000 people with air strikes in Syria, and it barely even made the news. So many dead that the locals had to use bulldozers to deal with all the bodies. Right now Arab militias in Sudan are carrying out an actual genocide, going house to house and killing everybody. Burning down entire villages and hunting down and killing the survivors - same Arab countries sent them as are "outraged" by Israel killing Hamas The anti Jewish propaganda is intense right now

Amazon cusl Jun 13

The US