Meta metaboooo Jun 18

Good. Prosecute all rapists to the fullest extent of the law. Including orange man. But I’m curious, are you gonna post 570 times daily? Cause you know 570 people in the US experience sexual violence daily.

Cloudflare neociwbfo OP Jun 18

Why do you keep editing your comment? Let me know when you’ve found the exact words needed to defend a rapist and “what about Trump!?” away this entire issue. You’re on the third re-write, so you’re clearly having trouble making this argument in good faith. Thanks.

Amazon bayzoshai Jun 18

570 daily? I’m with you - Let’s do something about it: Check out this post! "Despite being 12% of the population, migrants commit 67% of gang rapes in Germany (2024 Presidential Election)"

Apple kudtqnouf Jun 18

Shhh. All the migrant population is only helpless women and children who neeed to be saved. Nothing to see here.

This comment was deleted by the original commenter.
Toast money🌳s Jun 18

passportbros have a passport, a job, and a travel rewards card. the suspect has nothing

Amazon bayzoshai Jun 18

What is this trend I see? Check out this post! "Despite being 12% of the population, migrants commit 67% of gang rapes in Germany (2024 Presidential Election)" As always, women are allowed to be the victims of misguided progressive policy to feel bad for all of the men showing up at your front door.

Meta metaboooo Jun 18

It’s just fear mongering to make it seem like it’s only happening under Biden. Under trump, border patrol was sexually assaulting hundreds of immigrants kids and women.

Meta metaboooo Jun 18

What does “As always, women are allowed to be the victims of misguided progressive policy to feel bad for all of the men showing up at your front door.” mean?

Amazon lbbaya Jun 18

New York liberals will blame this on Texas governor for busing migrants to New York. They will fight for equitable rapists rights everywhere in US.

STRIVR 🇺🇸 First Jun 18

Need to take it further. Find the most liberal zip codes and ship them there. If they receive any help, only offer that help in those zip codes so they stay in and around those areas.

STRIVR 🇺🇸 First Jun 18

Accelerationism is really the only viable option at this point.

Google चाचाचौधरी Jun 18

Fkers check family history going back to great grandparents for legal immigrants but let these illegal rapists just walk in. US deserves this.

Meta metaboooo Jun 18

“Fkers check family history going back to great grandparents for legal immigrants but let these illegal rapists just walk in. US deserves this. “ God damn. Bro can’t get an h1b so US women deserve rape? And 6 other idiots liked the comment. I hope you get deported.

Google चाचाचौधरी Jun 18

Nah I have gc now- going for citizenship soon tho. Also im not saying the women deserve this , i am saying US as a country deserves this. Learn to read…

Meta metaboooo 7d