Citadel FrontEnd Interview?

Has anyone interviewed for a front end/UI engineer role at Citadel? What is the tech screen like? Is it leetcode or UI questions? Can Citadel folks share some insight as well if you’ve conducted these interviews? Can’t find much online.

Meta Cap’nToad Feb 16

Mainly JS questions, very practical

Amazon IVY55 OP Feb 19

Thanks a ton. Would it be coding questions testing JS concepts or JS trivia? Also do they ask you to write UI code like React/CSS as well?

Roblox shedog May 16

It was mainly frontend for me too. I think almost everything I was asked is on frontendlead. I recall it was more of a combination between ui round and js coding rounds.

Citadel brndwrld Feb 17

If you don’t have your kidney on line, just run away. If you do then go ahead.

eBay YBbr22 Feb 17

Not sure what that was supposed to mean. But can I get a referral?

Citadel brndwrld Feb 17

Dm your cv. Personal recommendation don’t work for any HF

Apple pliers Feb 20

Currently in a FE role at Citadel - DM me

Amazon IVY55 OP Feb 20


Microsoft L17#an8f Jun 25

I dm ed too