I have a Toyota Camry and got made fun of by Tesla owner friends

I was at a house party and was talking about a date experience of mine. One of my friends who has a Model Y made fun of me saying "Who picks up a date on a Toyota Camry". Everyone laughed and I just felt like my world is falling apart. I just dont understand why owning a tesla is such a flex? Why is donating money for good causes ever a flex? TC 300K

AT&T TOOU22 3d

Get some new friends.

Apple ą¤‡ą¤•ą„ą¤·ą„ą¤µą¤¾ą¤•ą„_ 3d

Regardless of model you drive, you should change the group

Amazon nhtedc 3d

Why is this suggested in threads like these. Making friends as adults is already hard and most expats Ive met are competitive and mild to medium toxic(including me)

Apple ą¤‡ą¤•ą„ą¤·ą„ą¤µą¤¾ą¤•ą„_ 3d

No. Good friendship is not toxic. Mature ones donā€™t laugh at their friendā€™s financial standings

Adobe SnLz28 3d

Why does he know you have a camry. Get a civic atleast

ServiceNow šŸŽ„johnDoe 3d

Looks like we found that friend

Adobe SnLz28 3d

Nah i wont ever buy tesla

Niantic w3Yg4d 3d

Tesla Models 3/Y are the new Camry for Bay Area techies so not sure whatā€™s the flex

Meta kdjejg 3d

Your world falling apart???? Really?? 1. Get better friends 2. Get more self esteem. You should not seek validation from others. If you're insecure, drive something better. You can easily afford better for 300k TC

Chewy PjWn78 3d

I agree with 2 . 1 - learn to have snarky comebacks

zlVX85 3d

I mean, itā€™s a Camryā€¦ lol

Amazon falcon124 OP 3d

whatever car you drive, there is always going to be someone driving a better and a more expensive car. where do we stop?

zlVX85 3d

Not at Camry for sure.

Capital One hootNHollr 3d

You can laugh to the bank

Google eiĻ€ 3d


Google hdnejwj 2d

not really camry is 35k can be more expensive than tesla if one qualifies for the rebate. plus higher maintenance/gas

Bloomberg lHfJ33 3d

At least you won't run out of charge when taking your date on a long drive

Qualcomm hopper24 2d

OP should have replied this.

LinkedIn o0gl9mp 3d

I mean if you got a date and kept seeing the date then you already beat most of Blind, no matter the car.

Amazon aRLk76 3d

If you can stoop to their levels, you can ask your proud Model Y owners about resale value of their cars or make fun of Cybertruck (break padels, windshield wipers etc). In any case this shows the class of these people and I would reduce their presence in my life if I were you.

Collins Aerospace dewd11235 2d

I genuinely wonder who the market is for the Cybertruck. The kind of people who buy trucks for non-occupational use think that electric cars are gay.