
I was running shirtless one day and

A girl was driving by in slow traffic. She honked and waved at me. She wasn't with friends or anything, so it wasn't like a dare or a group of girls being silly. She thought in her head "omg what a sexy man, I should honk". That was 12 years ago, and I still cherish that memory to this day. Married with 2 kids and I still can't let go of the high I felt. That's all, folks. Today was leg day, gonna ride a bike down the trail (not shirtless cause now I'm fat), and get some cardio in.

EMC I am here 3d

Now use thelat for motivation to go shirtless by next summer

Plaid zatch🦜 3d

Ok, Rahul

Google hauk_thuo OP 3d

This is a fitness group. Are you this frustrated by your own failures in life that you gotta dismiss a small (yet personally prized) success of others?

Albertsons filosfer 3d

That made no sense but whatever gets you off Plaid

PayPal pHdee 3d

Ok, you can wake up now 🥱🥱

Intuit Ms☀️✨ 3d

lol ! This was a good read.

Instacart ogoajjrofo 3d

Now after all these years, someone tells you that she was probably waving at someone she knew behind you

Microsoft devincomin 3d

That means you suffer from a lack of attention since this was the most significant memory that made you feel good. Does your wife make you feel special?

Google hauk_thuo OP 3d

This simply means that men don't get complimented very often, and the rare times that they receive a compliment, they'll remember forever.

Microsoft devincomin 3d

Stop feeling sorry for yourself and man up

SpaceX justlolz 3d

This reminds me of something that happened about 20 years ago. I was in the club with a guy friend (both of us straight in a straight club). A girl grabbed/squeezed my butt. I was too shocked and embarrassed to react. But your story reminded me of it and I’m now thinking fondly of that incident! I’m not yet fat but I look my age. Just yesterday I was in my neighborhood bar (well, just a short drive away in a nearby town). Many beautiful young women, crowded place. I was ordering at the bar and someone next to me nudged me, winked and said hi. Unfortunately this one was really overweight and not very attractive. I hope I can still attract the attention of someone more eligible.

Figma cxcc 3d

Women just don’t understand how rare is it for non-top 1% men to get these kinds of compliments. I also remember these moments.

witcd 3d

Ok Rahul

Amazon walkerjony 3d

Similar thing happened to me. I had just finished a work out and had a huge pump. I didn’t have time to change from my T shirt and after leaving the gym, all the women walking by me blushed and ran their hand through their hair. I never experienced something like this, felt wonderful. I had thought, lifting weights finally made a difference. Then I realized a Brazilian soccer player was walking behind me.

Microsoft ☀️Seattle 2d

You had us in the first half, ngl