
I work in FB dating , ask me anything

TC 1.9M Yoe 15

Do you work with extroverts and really great people?

Meta himetamate OP 3d

Completely opposite! Most people i work with are introvert

Roku dhjelle 3d

Does your wife’s bf use it?

Meta himetamate OP 3d


Wayfair gj56gD 2d

That's where he found his wife

Meta SixO2. 3d

Are there escorts on it

Meta himetamate OP 3d

No not really

Snowflake extechie 3d

That's Tesla dating..

Palo Alto Networks OHIO > CA 3d

What is Facebook Dating? Never heard of it.

Meta himetamate OP 3d

Never heard of palo alto networks

Amazon kdkdks 3d

Least passive aggressive meta employee

Amazon vastappan 3d

A cheese burger and fries please….

ex-Zillow Group VGab18 3d

Is FB dating a flop feature?

Roku status:404 3d

How did you get to 1.9M? What’s your profile?

Meta himetamate OP 3d

Lots of hard work plus right amount of luck

Snap ThisSucks! 3d

Lmao, let me answer that for you Roku. It’s just joining a company like Meta at the right time. Doesn’t take much more skill than that. I made over $2.5M in 2020/21 at Snap. It was pure luck. A lot more luck than “lots of hard work”. People on Blind like to beat their chests about their success and claim everything as of their own making but that’s not true at all.

Apple yKT24n 3d

Can you add some quality control? FB dating is total trash.

kiwilove 3d

Best dating app out there

Apple yKT24n 3d

Ehh. How?

Apple ffffffdn 3d

Just put my fries in the bag bro

Cloudbyz straight9 3d

Could you please add the feature of copying the message ? FB dating chat doesn’t allow to copying texts.