Is it possible to fail a team match for expedia group?

I just finished my final round for expedia and hr called me saying that there will be a team match next week. I am wondering is it possible for team match to fail? If so, what will happened? Do I team match with a different team?

Cerner azinkie Mar 25, 2022

Yes, youโ€™d be matched with another team. This is what my recruiter shared with me.

General Motors mikewang12 OP Mar 25, 2022

Is there a limit? What if I fail to second one?

Cerner azinkie Mar 25, 2022

That is something even Iโ€™m unsure about. Iโ€™ll be asking this very query to my recruiter soon. You should as well.

Coyote Logistics RRock07 Mar 28, 2022

OP any updates on this? Did you get to know what happens when team match fails?

kJEG76 Oct 3, 2022

Hi OP Iโ€™m going through this now. Iโ€™m curious myself to hear your experience.