Job Application asking for example of "Exceptional Ability"

Tesla's job applications ask you to provide "evidence of exceptional ability". OpenAI's applications ask the same. What exactly is an example of "exceptional ability" in your opinion? This is probably like when people say if you have to ask the price you can't afford it. I'm not exceptional, just curious. #tesla #openai #google #meta #jobsearch #hiring #swe

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Qualcomm Gutentag1 May 24, 2023

Yeah, why would a guy/lady like that would want to work for dogshit jobs.

Pure Storage RKTV18 May 24, 2023

Loudest farts

SpaceX srgvsf May 24, 2023

We have the same at SpaceX, and that's just what other places would call "greatest accomplishments". Honestly, anything will do, like built a lego mindstorm robot, lol. Just present it as it's something really great