
Free LinkedIn Premium?

Hiiii, $40 a month seems like a lot, I’m searching or networking for a new role, and could use premium. @linkedin folks, can you PLEASE give me a few months of LinkedIn premium, and I promise to pay it forward and will also get you a coffee if you’re in nyc :) Thanks #linkedin

Jack Henry usa1776 Jun 9

Unless you're a recruiter, I'm not sure it's worth it. You can (and should) get introductions to 2nd and 3rd degree contacts thru your existing ones. Personally I wouldn't even use LinkedIn for this so much - get on the phone. You can always unsubscribe after you've done what you need to do.

TilTok OP Jun 9

I tend to send a note when I’m connecting with even 2nd and 3rd degree(which didn’t have a limit before). But now LinkedIn has a set number of connections I can send w/o premium.

Jack Henry usa1776 Jun 9

damn, they've gotten greedier. Anyhow, best way is to get on phone - it's harder to ignore you and those who do want to help, will try harder if you talk to them directly.

yeetty Jun 9

I think I can get you a two month free trial. I have premium now that I got from someone, but its ending soon lmao

TilTok OP Jun 9

Coool, i would appreciate it

Wipro Wander8 Jun 10

DM yeetty if you are looking for renewal at a discounted price. I have vouchers

Citibank XNEq07 Jun 9

Hi, I can share a 2 month premium. DM.

TilTok OP Jun 10

Thank you, will DM.

Wipro Wander8 Jun 10

DM. I have employee referral vouchers at a discount. 6 and 12 months Li premium

Carelon Vickyv Jun 10

DM if you need Linkedin Premium or coursera Plus. I have employee referral coupons at a discount. I'm happy to provide anyone who needs discounted vouchers.

Vardhaman College Of Engineering Askm3 Jun 10

I have discounted vouchers. DM me