ML Master's at top uni or Continue working at Meta?

TL;DR Should I go for an ML master's at a top uni (have offers from CMU MSML, Cambridge MLMI) or continue working at Meta. My short career timeline: - BSc in CS from a top Swiss uni - Joined Meta as a new grad (IC3) SWE, joined an ML team and changed profile to ML Generalist - Mostly data manipulation and backend, no ML modelling - recently promoted to IC4 after 1 year Motivations to go: - Ultimately I would like a research role at an AI lab like DeepMind/FAIR/OpenAI. As I’m not too keen on doing a PhD, I’m aiming for research engineering roles rather than research scientist. - I could be more innovative in creating new ML solutions if I had a strong theoretical background, rather than just knowing what I learned on the job (i.e. data manipulation) - I’m not learning any technical skills in my role anymore, mostly just project management and communication. Motivations to NOT go: - Heard that a master’s degree is useless after some YoE in the industry, but is this true for top AI labs as well? - Possibility to transfer to a FAIR applied research team internally, though I’m not sure if I will have enough skills to be useful in a research team. - Monetary cost What would be the better choice in the long-term? Having a hard time deciding, some advice would be helpful! TC £135K, 1.5YOE #meta #deepmind #fair #openai #masters #machinelearning #research

Meta rtqwvb Mar 8, 2023

Go to Cambridge

Apple akY72Gw Mar 8, 2023

Hands down Carnegie Mellon university! Best ML and NLP curriculum and professors out there.

Google rWyg52 Mar 8, 2023

What CMU degree program specifically?

Meta hwtr03 OP Mar 8, 2023


Sana Biotechnology wYSx00 Mar 8, 2023

PhD or stay in industry.

Hudson River Trading anti hero Mar 8, 2023

Don't do it lol.

Google rWyg52 Mar 8, 2023

Why not?

Hudson River Trading anti hero Mar 8, 2023

Not worth it. I did it and it was a monumental waste of 80k

Shfy70 Mar 8, 2023

CMU since it’s worth the opportunity cost to get access to US salaries.

Google CPaY55 Mar 8, 2023

Fwiw you’d get better responses by asking ml researchers you work with.

Meta hwtr03 OP Mar 8, 2023

Thanks you’re right, I have also been doing that in parallel. But I thought asking here wouldn’t hurt either so why not try.

Google BetaBet Mar 8, 2023

What you will learn is prompt engineering or tuning, just stay

uhyhdh Apr 18, 2023

its worth it to go to CMU just to get into the US. The UK is a terrible place to be for your longterm career.