Tech IndustryJul 16, 2022

Microsoft layoff?

Annual layoff or Amazon's URA style? Can any #microsoft employee share some info? Thanks. TC: 140.

Snap snapster 💻 Jul 16, 2022

Very standard. Every company does layoffs here and there all the time; just this time given market sentiment, it’s newsworthy.

Amazon Zeus00 Jul 16, 2022

All I know is… 🎵 I’m still standing…feeling like a true survivor…. 🎵

Microsoft oyetc Jul 16, 2022

Annual cuts. Search for 2020 layoff. Even azure got cut in that. Azure core networking and azure data.

Sev3r Jul 16, 2022

2023 is the real time to worry, not now.

ORBCOMM MoneyMitch Jul 16, 2022

Slightly off topic, she’s one of the most cringiest PoS MSFT recruiter ever. Blocked her as soon I saw a post where she said something like engineers make x amount of money and people get priced out of their homes or something. Works for an engineering company and says shit like that. The irony 🤮

Experian Swlb68 Jul 16, 2022

She’s justifying Why MSFT pays 🥜

ORBCOMM MoneyMitch Jul 16, 2022

Yup and also MSFT recruiters are part of the reason why Msft has a poor reputation

Investment Bank Glinda Jul 16, 2022

Microsoft has reorgs at the start of every fiscal year with a small percentage of employees being shown the door. It announced some layoffs in 2017, but its last large-scale layoff was in 2014. If your are doing a good job (and your manager & skip like you) it is unlikely you will be laid off at Microsoft.

Microsoft worriedman Jul 16, 2022

Depends on the hr algorithm. Good strong engineers get thrown into the mix as well

Rally Health rh848 Jul 16, 2022

Things will be rosy late 2025.

VMware TimPichai Jul 19, 2022

Yep, after the Great Reset.

Microsoft oyetc Jul 16, 2022

"Less than 1%". If you are included in that 1 percent which FYI is still around 1000 people, things would be different... And the rumors of amazon style pip is on the rise in the last week