Tech IndustryFeb 20, 2022

Move from tech company to non-tech company for more money?

I’m currently at SAP as a SWE and I got an offer from JPMorgan as an SWE which offers more money with cost of living in the area being significantly less than my current location (Bay Area) so overall I will have a lot more money in hand if I work at JPMC. The team also does pretty interesting work. Not to mention I will also be closer to my family. However I’m thinking if this would be a bad career choice. I’m pretty bored here but I’m wondering if it would hurt me if I move to IB from tech and the general sentiment here also says that tech companies are a lot better to work at. I do see a lot of people move from JPMC to big tech companies so I’m not sure if would be any issues to move to big tech in the future if I join JPM. Please let me know your opinions. #SWE #tech #jpmorgan #jpmorganchase #sap

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Google puff puff Feb 20, 2022

You might hinder your future $$ potential. Try interviewing for some Bay Area companies, you may be surprised how much TC has gone up. Good problem to have, Congratulations!

Amgen dataguy10 Feb 20, 2022

SAP is not a ‘tech’ company. Take the cash

State Farm hwkdhwu Feb 20, 2022


GE gcFG23 Feb 20, 2022

SAP is a tech company, they build software products and provide related services All these lower level ICs on Blind are so toxic. This is why I became a manager

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State Farm hwkdhwu Feb 20, 2022

SAP is a tech company how SAS is at the forefront of AI

Amazon KUYW05 Feb 20, 2022

Don't follow the company, the industry or the title, follow the money. A company name doesn't put food on the table.

GE gcFG23 Feb 20, 2022

I left Meta for GE for equivalent pay thanks to LCOL

Farfetch FEAJ60 Feb 22, 2022

JPM totally. Employee experience far, far elevated.