
My manager texts me

For the last two weeks, my manager has started sending his feedback after our 1:1s via text message. The weird part is, he’s using my personal phone number. How do I tell him I appreciate the feedback but to please keep it to work channels? This is getting too weird. Any advice? TC: 320k #managerrant #weirdmanager #manager

Nike PGwWng Jun 17

how did he get your number?

NVIDIA dontxtme OP Jun 17

He asked me when I moved to his team, said it was for 'just in case'. Then I didn't think much of it. Stupid.

oolrightt Jun 17

Yes, tell him you prefer a work email/messaging system.

mwoan Jun 20

Yeah that's super weird. Say you need to have proper work/personal boundaries. Are you friends with them previously? Maybe they are hitting on you?

YGGX18 Jun 21

Can you stop responding to him? Or respond through your work platform?

blinderbbb 7d

Tell him straight up!

Broadcom CovidTan 5d

Are you two opposite sex?