Tech IndustryApr 29, 2020

Need help in picking a university for BS in Computer Science

My son is getting ready commit to a undergrad school for BS CS. Here are top 3 choices: 1. University of Wisconsin, Madison 2. University of Maryland, College Park 3. UMass Amherst He wants to come back to the bay area after graduation. Any suggestions on which one is better? Obviously I have looked at rankings like US News, CS Rankings etc.

F5 Networks RRA Apr 29, 2020

I'd go with either 1 or 2.

Intuit me_Myself OP Apr 29, 2020

Can you share the rationale please?

F5 Networks RRA Apr 29, 2020

Actually I think Workday (below) has an even better idea.

Workday bbxcu Apr 29, 2020

Or community college and transfer to UC

kendem Apr 29, 2020

^^ proximity to Bay Area recruiting, save money on tuition and housing, later transfer to a decent local university. It just may not seem “cool” and you cannot brag to relatives.. but it’s a sensible choice to consider

Google elgoogs Apr 29, 2020

I'd tend to agree with this as well, though moving away for school is also a great learning and personal growth experience

scatech2 Apr 29, 2020

If he wants to work in the Bay, why doesn’t he want to go to Stanford or Berkeley? Even SCU has a great name in the industry. It will be easier to find internships in summer if he is local as well.

Intuit me_Myself OP Apr 29, 2020

Agree, but did not get into any local university here!

Google $uckerberg Apr 29, 2020

All 3 are great schools. You can’t really go wrong with either. I would recommend looking at weather and cost. If MS or PHD is the end goal, also look at professors and research they do.

Lyft whSi35 Apr 29, 2020

Shouldn’t your son make his own decision about where to go

FLYR loolmao Apr 29, 2020

All 3 are great schools and can’t go wrong. I think your son should make his own decision based on interests

LdLh61 Apr 30, 2020

my advice to incoming CS freshman: start doing competitive programming, you'll learn DS and algos along the way. take math MOOCs whenever necessary. do this for a while and move to leetcode eventually. that's how you're gonna get the FAANG internship in the summer break following sophomore year. don't take hard classes, try to finish college in 3 years. hopefully you've converted your internship. welcome to FAANG, enjoy your fat sign on bonus and get working!

FLYR loolmao Apr 30, 2020

This is awful advice! Don’t follow the above. Do what you are interested in, enjoy college while also keeping up w commitments. Land internships when possible. I can’t imagine leetcoding 4 years away that were some of the best years.