Quantlab Referral

I am a computer engineering senior at UMass Amherst and am looking for a New Grad SWE referral at Quantlab for 2023. I have completed 175+ LC's, have SDE internship experience, and can share resume + further information via DM. Please help! #quantlab #referral

Quantlab megarisong Aug 13, 2022

Do not join quantlab. It's a horrible company. Join literally any other company. Alot of HFT firm are hiring. Quantlab is a hellhole, avoid at all cost.

Confluent imTrying:( Oct 4, 2022

Hi, may I ask how bad is it?

Quantlab megarisong Oct 4, 2022

They are absolutely despicable. Let me explain what a shitstain this company is. When I joined, I sign a 1 year non-compete. This is industry standard. After working for a few months the CEO had a meeting, and told me I was required to sign a 2 year UNPAID non-compete. I didn't want to (obviously), so he withheld compensation for the entire company. Litterally no one at the company got paid until I signed two year UNPAID non-compete. This was absolutely evil. He did the same thing to many other people. Then a couple month later, announced a large round of layoffs. So he forced every to sign unpaid non-compete then laid off those people. Now they are out of a job, and CANT work for 2 years, without any pay. Because of this shit hole. A few month after that, he announced a large pay cut. Basically about 30% of pay was going away. But since everyone trapped by non-compete, no one can leave. Additionally I consulted a lawyer about challenging non-compete. He said if I sued I could probably win, but the contract made this impossible. Basically if I sue and lose, I am required to pay company legal fees. Those fees are unbounded. So they will just pile on endless legal fees, then eventually I have to drop suit or risk a 50million legal bill (they will take everything from you). They have done this before. There are more examples I could relate, but just trust me: work somewhere else. This place is where dreams die.

Quantlab EqSN85 Aug 23, 2022

Can confirm "a lot of HFT firms are hiring"

Quantlab shJK44 Oct 20, 2022

I agree. Stay away. Sinking ship. Life jackets for executives only.