RelationshipsMay 25, 2020

Thoughts on Relationship 14 year gap

Im 24 half middle eastern/Eastern European woman and Im really attracted to older men. I just find their maturity and masculinity really hot. I’m typically not all that into men my age. Anyways, so I recently matched with a guy on a dating app who happens to be 38. We have really great chemistry and we have so many things in common and were really in to each other. He’s a CS Professor and I’m analyst at an investment bank. We dated and right now we’re having a serious relationship. One night he stayed in my part and we had a really really great sex My parents however are not okay with this relationship and are saying that I look like one of his students that is hooking up with him. This is really heartbreaking as I’m generally really happy with him and have genuinely felt that I have met the other half of my life #dating #marriage #relationships

KPMG XJAK12 May 25, 2020

Date who you want If your family decides against Decide whether if you can live without seeing or speaking to your parents for a while or the love of your life

Facebook prestige. May 25, 2020

What dating app

Expedia Group djbrhruhfh May 25, 2020

What is the point in life in which you decide what will make you happy and not what will make someone else happy? If you follow their wishes and not yours, you'll be good with that on your deathbed with no regrets? I'm happy for you. Sounds like a nice match. All the best with your beautiful connection.

WeWork OverWe May 25, 2020

You sound asian he sounds white

Fyp897 OP May 25, 2020

lol how do I sound Asian?

Amazon Tandem May 26, 2020

You're an idiot, WeWork.

Macy's rkJL23 May 25, 2020

from experience: my previous fiancée was 15 years younger than me. most of our common friends and family approved. we were very compatible. over time though, the difference in age strained. we were just in different stages of our life. you will eventually understand what i mean. i began to feel like our relationship was draining her youth. it wasn’t fair to her.

Limeade 10001101 May 25, 2020

Men willing to date that much younger generally have issues that will come out eventually (esp as you get older and wiser yourself and can identify them better). Just use him for fun. Find someone closer to your age to marry.

Limeade 10001101 May 25, 2020

Also be on alert for signs of manipulation. When you say he feels like your other half I immediately thought of "love bombing"- research that. Also don't let him turn you against your parents/isolate you over this. Your parents have wisdom.

Fyp897 OP May 25, 2020

What kind of issues? Can you elaborate

Google riknn May 25, 2020

That’s not an insane amount of age gap. It won’t look weird if he takes care of himself. Most men are older than their wives by a few years, so 14 is not crazy

Cisco BJIQ78 May 25, 2020

The great sex you can have now will not necessarily be possible with him in the future. With someone your age, OTOH, you'll have an active sex life longer. There are exceptions. A longer physical connection with someone is just as important as other things that you have in common with your partner.

FedEx flowergrl May 26, 2020

How long have you been dating for?

ICough May 26, 2020

My wife is 16 years younger. It works for us. Feel free to ask questions if you have any.

Limeade 10001101 May 26, 2020

What do you like about her?

ICough May 27, 2020

She is smart, kind and beautiful. But these characteristics can exist in person of wide age range. What you're balancing between is not age but lack of real life experience vs. bitterness of past experiences. Not every 18 yo is clueless in life and not every 35 yo is bitter.