Second try at Microsoft

Looking for advice to ace the interview process at Microsoft. I’m currently an Associate Software Engineer at Fidelity Investments. I’m planning on jumping ship late this year / early next year. I plan on spending the next few months getting az900, az204, and grinding leetcode. Planning on getting those certs because Fidelity will cover the cost and my BU uses AKS. Leetcode because I can feel myself getting rusty. This will be my second time applying at Microsoft. I was not at all prepared my first time around and bungled the technical portions of the interview. Is it worth paying for Leetcode premium to access the questions specific to Microsoft? Or should I aim to solve x number of medium/hard questions instead? Any tech stack recommendations? I primarily do Java backend with a little SQL and Angular thrown in. Anything I should do in addition to my current plan? Any other online resources? All advice is welcome. Lastly, which SDE 2 level should I shoot for? 61 or 62? TC: $74,525, actual 🥜 YOE: 1.5 (currently) #software #swe #engineering

Discover Financial Services mHa28jdv Jun 9, 2022

Interviews are all luck. Just prepare as best as you can and give it a go! Good luck to you :)

Microsoft anon022 Jun 9, 2022

Shoot for 61. Just grind medium problems, class and interface design and distributed system design. The tech stack is fine. Java or Python are the most popular I have seen used. If you want the certs you can get them but they don’t really matter for engineers. That’s more for cloud consultants.

AT&T 🫡⛱ Jun 9, 2022

What about 62/63? Does same thing apply to 62 and 63?

Microsoft anon022 Jun 9, 2022

More emphasis on system design. Coding questions usually the same but expected to be done faster and explaining various trade offs.

Microsoft 13376043 Jun 9, 2022

Don’t bother with leetcode hards.

Charles River Development redpoco Jun 9, 2022

Who are those fors? Legit asking? Plus, what should focus big time to ace the interview after going through blind75 and doing all Microsoft tagged questions on leetcode. System design primer document comes to mind, the one on Github and binge watching system design videos on YouTube.

Sam's Club isv53'icbs Jun 9, 2022

pray for good luck

Microsoft SeekRemote Jun 9, 2022

Aim for L62 Do u should be fine

Charles River Development redpoco Jun 9, 2022

Are those binary leetcode necessary? I am ignoring those completely. Just so dumb. In my 3 years of coding at work. I never had to use it

Microsoft SeekRemote Jun 9, 2022

U mean bit manipulation? Google asks it a lot. Goood to know tho.