Misc.Jan 23

Trump needs to be more shrewd like Modi

1. Stop interacting with the media (no press conferences, weekly white house briefings, etc). Only televised appearances or Twitter. 2. Only give 1 on 1 interviews to select media outlets that are conservative-leaning 3. Stack the cabinet with only ultra loyalists like Vivek, Sarah Huckabee Sanders etc. 4. This should trickle down to the bureaucracy, only appoint ultra-conservative members to head the FBI, USPS, CIA, DEA, ATF, SEC, FAA, NASA, ICE, IRS etc... 5. Buy ads for the federal govt and republican party only in select "friendly" media outlets 6. Use the IRS to launch tax raids against prominent liberal donors in Hollywood, Silicon Valley, industry, owners of the 4 major sports leagues, leaders in finance, major athletes like Lebron James etc. It doesn't matter if anything is found... the threat of a raid is enough to silence critics. Make the experience as unpleasant as possible. 7. Pass regulations that increasingly make it tough for Silicon Valley to monetize and Hollywood to distribute, this will force them to come negotiate 8. By now all left-leaning news outlets will be near bankrupt anyway and will bend the line... only online journalism would survive. Throttle that too by using the IRS to go after them. 9. Slowly cut federal funding to leftist cities such as Portland, Seattle, San Francisco etc choking them under the weight of their infrastructure. Pour money for new projects into conservative cities such as Miami, and Phoenix. 10. Stack the deep state with Trump loyalists so they can MAGA For the record... I'm a liberal... I just wanted to do a thought experiment on how Trump could better take over America if he was really shrewd...

Snowflake Snow@$#ÂĽÂŁg Jan 23


rajeshking OP Jan 23


Amazon dhdjdjdii Jan 23


Amazon geniuh Jan 23

He doesn’t need to do any of that. He already owns a major political party and he owns 4 of 9 Supreme Court justices. He just need to get into office then he can just go the way of Hitler and rule using brazen nationalism and American military dominance. Why be shrewd when you can just win outright

rajeshking OP Jan 23

the deep state needs to be tamed... so does Hollywood and Silicon Valley

Amazon geniuh Jan 24

Here’s the secret: there’s no deep state. The government is run by normies and hire average people just like anybody else.

ByteDance winnie 🐻 Jan 23

You’re pretty much describing his first term lol

rajeshking OP Jan 23

not completely, twitter had the guts to ban him. That will no longer happen.

Qualcomm Jopabkuni Jan 24

Interesting... the only guy to keep repeating that the virus came from Wuhan got silenced. Now in 2024, a prominent scientist released a letter showing Fauci lied. Fascinating himself says they were doing gain of function research in the letter. It doesn't really matter. We knew Fauci lied all along and we all knew the virus' ability to infect humans was engineered (the spike protein was added) and the virus leaked out of the lab, Wuhan and the lab were ground 0 and it was all covered up by China and Fauci. The question is... why hasn't China and Fauci been held accountable for 7 million deaths worldwide? And why are you still anti-trump considering he was the only one telling the truth? Who do you trust more? Lying libs or truthful trump?

Hubspot lP836bT Jan 23

Bruh he did half of this the first time he was in office, and we have an actual democratic system that prevents the other half from happening (for now). “the threat of a raid” is laughable when his own freaking party has handicapped the IRS from doing even the basics of their jobs

rajeshking OP Jan 23

Their job would be to go after whoever theyre told to go after from henceforth

Hubspot lP836bT Jan 24

They don’t have the bodies to “go after” anyone bruh

PayPal ab8a4f6b Jan 23

The man feeds off media coverage. What are you on?

rajeshking OP Jan 23

yes but now he wont answer to liberal media outlets

Instacart palU52 Jan 23

This is not India where prime minister escapes from media 😂😂

rajeshking OP Jan 23

the POTUS doesnt have to take questions either its not a constitutional req

NVIDIA wlYk06 Jan 23

Im glad you didn't mention. He should just move to India and learn more from modi ? WTF are you drinking man!

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Salesforce ki ikahoki Jan 23

Unlike Indians, more Americans have higher moral standards and while there are many faults I feel American democracy is much robust.

rajeshking OP Jan 23

LMAO hell no... americans are crazier and more polarized

Amazon obscurous Jan 23

Yeah right opioid crisis to gun crisis all for money is higher moral

F5 Networks rhjksubbr6 Jan 23

Trump needs to have a heart attack.