
Which financial institutions do you have the majority of your brokerage/retirement funds?

I have mine spread out in Vanguard, E*trade and fidelity and wish to consolidate for ease of use. Looking for the best one. If you have preference, please describe why! Thank you! #personalfinance #investments

66 Participants
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Xaxis малавали Mar 7, 2023

Not seeing Robinhood here worries me

Financial Services Company xqst Mar 7, 2023

They’re not supposed to be… amateur

Xaxis малавали Mar 7, 2023

The sole reason I am stuck with Robin Hood is because it lets me to do a recurring buy of ETF every week. Yesterday I called up Fidelity and asked them if they would let me do that. Fidelity does not let me invest in ETFs on a recurring basis and even the recurring basis on mutual funds is monthly and not weekly

Intel peace ☮️ Mar 7, 2023

Schwab: best margin provided, no 4x daily limit like etrade, 40c option trading, free trades when adding money to the account. Only drawback is UI sucks

Google yUeC80 Mar 7, 2023

You day trade your whole net worth?

Intel peace ☮️ Mar 8, 2023


Salesforce zVrx63 Mar 7, 2023

I’m in the process of moving as much as I can to Fidelity to simplify things.

Google HornOKPlz Mar 7, 2023

Fidelity or Schwab. I hold vanguard ETFs at Fidelity. Switched from Vanguard several years ago.

Salesforce astro12345 OP Mar 7, 2023

Why’d you switch to Fidelity if holding Vanguard ETFs? I know they’re not mutually exclusive.

Google HornOKPlz Mar 7, 2023

Vanguard customer service, app and website suck. I had been with them for a long time and switching to another fund would incur large capital gains and taxes. So I decided to keep Vanguard funds but switch to Fidelity as my brokerage provider. They have great customer service, decent app & site, support for fractional shares, allow HSA accounts, and allow a checking like account (cash management). It's now a near "one and done" shop for me, including their 2% rewards credit card. Pretty much with the exception of my 401k account and RSU accounts (both of which I can't control who the brokerage selected is) and mortgage, almost all my financial needs are met by Fidelity at this time. I do have a credit union account where they don't require any direct deposit or minimum balance. It's useful for depositing cash since Fidelity cash management doesn't allow depositing cash. Most times that account have a $5 balance to keep open. Otherwise almost everything is at Fidelity including bill pay, check writing and debit/ATM cards.

Amazon Lameizone Mar 7, 2023

Interactive brokers.