Which offer to choose

Hello Blind, I'm weighing these offers and wondering which one I should end up at. Just wanted Blind's thoughts on which of these would be best for career growth and WLB (relatively). DoorDash SF: Merchant fraud team TC: 265k Amazon Seattle: Physical stores team TC: 300k Rippling SF: Platform team TC: 300k Asana SF: CI team TC: 250k Current TC: 250k YOE: 3 #amazon #rippling #doordash #asana #offer #wlb

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Plaid dQaL14 Jun 18

Asana and it's not close.

Block uHmN38 Jun 18

WLB? Asana. Does Asana still make food? I know the kitchen used to make really high quality food pre-covid.

Coinbase lonelangur OP Jun 18

havent asked about that, but im just worried about the future of company since stocks are plunging and i dont really believe in company vision/product compared to the rest

Uber u blind Jun 18

Do you have option to stay? Not worth joining PIP factory amazon or rippling IMO for extra 50K

Coinbase lonelangur OP Jun 18

Absolutely hate my current team/org + company so I'd rather take my chances elsewhere ASAP.

ex-Coinbase yuqka Jun 18

Hey buddy, I’m ex-Coinbase here! Curious to know why you hate it, is it the mono-rail decomp, WLB due to too many incidents, or just toxicity due to every quarter check-in?

Bank of America bofabofa Jun 18

Wow so many offers! Congratulations on that ..

Coinbase lonelangur OP Jun 18


State Farm bean0 Jun 18

Reason for living coinbase? Aren’t they fully remote?

Coinbase lonelangur OP Jun 18

not at cb anymore, and left my recent company after getting the first offer.

ex-Coinbase yuqka Jun 18

Renegotiate your SF offers using Amazon Seattle offer and pick Doordash - it has high potential to grow. Or rippling will also be good post negotiation.

Coinbase lonelangur OP Jun 18

these are after negotiations, amazon was one of the first and doordash said thats the max they could offer me at mid level.

ex-Coinbase yuqka Jun 18

Since you are ex-coin, not worth going to Amazon again despite the TC (and the location Seattle will not be great). Go with Doordash. But your choice finally. (I’m ex-Amazon, came to Coinbase thinking it will be great)

ex-Flexport boxmover Jun 18

Are these mid level roles?

Coinbase lonelangur OP Jun 18

yep, all mid level, and i think top of band on what they can offer for swe 2 (level before senior).

ex-Flexport boxmover Jun 18

I think DD is somewhat lowballing, though from what I can remember my friend saying he was at 300k Tc and they laid him off and replaced with lower paid engineer I don’t like rippling because they’re somewhat known to fire before 1 year mark, and they have a lot of pips Amazon is shit, no need to explain this Asana I’ve heard has good wlb and the TC is good for mid level in this market

Financial Services Company WNtR44 Jun 18

How did you get calls for these ? What has been your experience in getting calls overall currently ?

Flexport uuxE62 Jun 18

GOod job man, many good offers here

Uber axelroad 4d

Try to get more money from Doordash. No point working 1.5x time at Amazon / Rippling and get PIPed in the end.