Tech IndustryApr 24, 2023

Worst interview experience with Expedia

Heard Expedia group is very great with employees and that is why I am so surprised to have such a horrible experience with them: The HM from the search engine marketing (SEM) team reached out for the interview. He was 12 minutes late for a 45-minute interview and did not even apologize. During the interview, he was playing with his phone 7 times without taking any notes. For one minute he closed his eyes and apparently was asleep. He constantly yawns. I reached out to him asking if he is good/alright and he told me to concentrate on answering the questions.... I knew it is employers' market, but I haven't seen anyone this rude... Any of you had similar experience with EG or anywhere else recently? I don't think I will want to move forward with this team even if I am invited for a final round...

GoDaddy k0sher Apr 24, 2023

Employers are freaking ruthless nowadays. Ego got the best of them.

Amazon PAdh23 OP Apr 24, 2023

Yep but still the basic respect to candidates cannot even be met... sigh

GoDaddy k0sher Apr 24, 2023

People will use every chance they get to savor the little power they have. Have you noticed how badly wait staffs and people in service industry get treated? I don’t know if it’s inflation or recession or covid, but lots of people are something wrong in the head.

Indeed vrBN65 Apr 24, 2023

please please share this experience with the recruiter. They need to know.

Expedia Group Boo Yeah! Apr 25, 2023

This just sounds like a bad person. Definitely give feedback to the recruiter. SEM is not a good team in general, though, so you probably dodged a bullet there.

GoDaddy QGWk81 Apr 25, 2023

Just the standard ghosting from the recruiter. Like I get you probably don’t have an update, but I rather get an “update” of the non-update. At least then I know I still exist to you.