AI future - Apple vs Meta

I’m pretty happy and successful at Apple. However in the AI/ML space struggle with hierarchy and top-down apple culture. Recently got an offer from meta with a lower base but higher equity… 0. Is the ML scene at meta better than Apple? 1. Is wlb at meta gen ai really horrible? 2. Should I be worried of pip? 3. Is it worth to go there with lower base and down leveled? 4. What is required for e6 to e7 promotion at meta?

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eBay indigo7 Feb 24

If you don’t share offer numbers, we ain’t helping you

Inspiration Mobility ☃︎ Feb 24

I don’t think he asked about tier 5 companies so your help probably isn’t needed

eBay indigo7 Feb 24

Lol tier 5 is better than undrafted company. So your comment is not needed

Meta pndL81 Feb 24

E6 to E7 is a meaningful promo at meta and I would expect it to take a while. Think at least one year to ramp and build your reputation internally and at least one year for them to build a case for you. To me, based on the information provided and there wasn't enough to give a more than generic response. You should stay. As it doesn't sound like there's a huge push factor making you leave and it also doesn't sound like meta has provided sufficient incentive for this to be an easy decision to leave.

Apple HaddHaiBC Feb 24

You should be worried of layoff. Not just pip. Unless you are at a stage where you can take risks

Cruise TVlh02 Feb 24

Tc or gtfo

Meta X2L2 Feb 24

0. Yes, apple is a shit tier ml in comparison 1. No, but it also a bad org in general 2. No, unless you are a weak performer 3. Tc is what matters

AFMO81 Feb 24

Meta stock is too high so equity might not be a huge advantage

Amazon ulghh Mar 5

Apple is safe (not many layoffs) + meta is notorious for laying off. Blind is biased towards TC, so I would suggest imo, stay at Apple

Amazon ColdBreeze Mar 5

Question: Define "notorious for laying off" in Amazon's view

Dell asl Jun 15

Do you still work AI at apple? Can i DM