Tech IndustrySep 16, 2021

advice for finding a job in the bay

hi Blind people, i worked at expedia group over the summer as an intern. definitely learned quite a lot as i came from a non cs background and appreciated so much for having this experience (also the only real work experience). i was lucky enough to receive a return offer but the location does not really line up with my future plans as my bf is living in the bay. as a new grad, i’ve been trying really hard for the past month, applying and reaching out. but unfortunately i only received a handful of OAs and 0 interview. 1 company failed me after passing all the OA test cases. like i understand companies are receiving lots of lots of applications, and im only blaming myself for not being able to stand out. so i was just wondering if there’s anything i could do to potentially not get a straight up resume reject. anyone with any good advice? job hunting is so painful :( #tech

NVIDIA ➖➖ Sep 16, 2021

DM for referral for NVIDIA. :) In my experience referrals get a little more attention, but your mileage may vary from case to case.

Expedia Group vXuc58 OP Sep 16, 2021

thank you!! that’s really kind of you. NVIDIA is def out of my reach. if i find a position im interested, i’ll lyk!

Lyft trainfast Sep 16, 2021

It’s people with sight impairments, thank you very much.