Capital One1️⃣PipLine

7 eleven Director salary expectations

Expecting an offer tomorrow, Director of Software Engineering 7-11, Dallas location. What’s the salary range? Can’t find anything on levels or anywhere. Can it get to 400K TC? Current TC - 320K, Senior Manager, MCOL #7eleven

Zillow Group !RichBartn Oct 19, 2023

TC better come with free slurpees

NVIDIA qwerty+ Oct 19, 2023

Senior manager is paid 320k ???

Zillow Group rich b pls Oct 19, 2023

Is that high or low

Amazon mix2440 Oct 19, 2023

It’s low.

Coinbase #refactor Oct 19, 2023

I'm still trying to grok Director of Eng where I get slurpees from

EA WokeMeUp! Oct 19, 2023

Daily Slurpees and reheated burritos for lunch?

Capital One 1️⃣PipLine OP Oct 19, 2023

I hope so, free lunch 🤣

Capital One 🧢-1 Oct 19, 2023

Don’t forget to fill out your EOY performance evaluation 🫡

Capital One 1️⃣PipLine OP Oct 19, 2023

I’ll probably have to do it, I think nothing on levels fyi for 7 eleven director is probably not good. Might be lower TC

Apple iBlindPro Oct 19, 2023

What software does 7/11 have? That shit app?

Coinbase #refactor Oct 19, 2023

Maybe they roll their own POS system for checkout? Seems weird to me too.

Microsoft rossey Oct 19, 2023

Sure, and I’m VP of engineering at Waffle House.

Workday mvmm Oct 19, 2023


Microsoft spoiledev Oct 19, 2023

Unlikely to beat capital one. In dfw at least capital one is one of the highest paying companies for engineering

Capital One 1️⃣PipLine OP Oct 19, 2023

Hoping the up level helps in this case

Microsoft spoiledev Oct 19, 2023

Even then I doubt tc difference would be much and your reports and peers may not be as good as capital one which may or may not be a good thing for you depending on competitiveness

7-Eleven storeBiz Nov 13, 2023

Somehow cap1 has some strage love for 7-11, I know many manager/ Sr Manager/ directors/ VPs coming from cap1. I think your TC might be similar or little more... probably not worth unless you want to join ruthless directorship.... Doing politics n shit all day.... Ohh wait... That's what you do at cap1 anyways..... So what you will get is bump in level... Thats it.... - i am one of those who came from cap1 to slurpee_house 😶

Capital One vccsqouhh Nov 13, 2023

I am OP, they offered me 290K… I declined of course. A couple pmed me urging me not to join… seems like it is as bad or worst than C1, WLB was mentioned as being non existent. Thanks for sharing