LinkedIn Staff Engineer Onsite Interview

Hi Team, I have LinkedIn onsite interview coming for Staff Engineer, AI Platform. I am expected to get these rounds of interview for onsite panel - 1) Staff Coding 2) Coding and Algorithms 3) Craftmanship 4) Host Leader 5) Staff Software Design & Architecture 6) Infrastructure Design Has anyone gone through this process? Any suggestions on what to expect, especially in Staff Software Design & Architecture& Infrastructure Design rounds ? and what level of coding in coding rounds? #engineering #machinelearning #swe #software #LinkedIn

Commvault k&4dpb May 23

All these rounds and none of these skills being used on their product.

LinkedIn nextplayed May 24

Hey fuck you. I agree.

LinkedIn run[in] May 23

Uber 100to1 May 31

What's wrong at LinkedIn?

Why though? I’m prepping for an interview loll

LinkedIn frogman83 May 24

There's a chance I'll be interviewing you for one of those

VMware onUF25 OP May 25

Can I DM you?

VMware onUF25 OP May 30

If you have any suggestions/tips for the prep, will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Adobe VcGU12 Jun 17

Hey op how was the phone interview