Tech IndustryApr 18, 2017

If your manager..

If your manager retaliates against you for leaving her team, in the form of telling your new manager that you didn't do well (despite evidence on the contrary including an exceeds expectations rating), what would you do? Should you even do anything?

LinkedIn lnkdinkdln Apr 18, 2017

Be yourself and let your success speaks for itself.

Microsoft AmIEvil Apr 18, 2017

It's good karma.

Pandora dipthong Apr 18, 2017

Practice the dark art of voodoo and make her pay.

Lyft shitycode Apr 18, 2017

What's giveh it's takeh

Uber loba Apr 18, 2017

Talk to Lianne, if that doesn't work shame her

Uber Thdj15 Apr 19, 2017

This. Situation at Uber is perfect for you right now.

Uber bacondance OP Apr 19, 2017

Why would anyone go to HR at this point

Google CodePanda Apr 18, 2017

If the rating is good and new manager is not stupid, people know what is happening

Google HtfN62 Apr 18, 2017

Is that you Susan?!?!

Zillow Group OfTheDay Apr 18, 2017

How did you find out about this? I agree with others that your work should speak for itself and any new manager with a good head on their shoulders should recognize the baseless claims by your old manager. If I wanted to clear the air though I would have a conversation with my new manager and say something to the effect of "rumor has been going around that so-and-so is saying I didn't do well and in case you heard similarly I just want to make it clear that while I'm disappointed in hearing someone would want to smear my reputation I hope you'll allow me the same opportunity as any new team member to prove the value I can bring with my contributions." Basically address the elephant in the room with your new manager head on and just move forward from there. Your old manager will have whatever is coming to him/her by way of karma in due time.

Google lbgE73 Aug 29, 2017

"I hope you'll allow me the same opportunity as any new team member to prove the value I can bring." I like that a lot. Part of me fears transferring for this reason but I can see that approaching things openly like this would help start things on a clean slate with a new manager.

Google miCJ74 Apr 19, 2017

Happened to me.. I left a very bad group with some very bad hombres. Afterwards this group was ridiculed in TGIF meetings in front of the company, high level execs were demoted, and I wasn't surprised at all, kind of expected it, hence why I left. Just do a good job and let your manager do the math.

Microsoft Bigdaga Apr 19, 2017

At Google?! That's crazy

Google miCJ74 Apr 20, 2017

It's the exception not the rule. It's easy to transfer. Actually it was the former Microsoft employees who kinda sank to lows I didn't know were possible. So I got a taste of what you deal with. My current group gels really well, doing kick ass work that is having real no bullshit impact, having fun every day. I actually love everyone in my group now and we're basically family. No assholes are allowed in.

Google 🐈 🐈 🐈! Apr 19, 2017

This happened to me. My manager said I should go for promo and then two weeks later he gave me a low meets. What changed? I told him I wanted to leave the team. He met with my new manager and told him I had performance problems. I told my new manager exactly what I just said here. He mostly believed me, but I never felt that he really trusted me. After a year and a half, I wanted to go up for promotion, but my new manager discouraged me. I went anyway, got the promotion, then changed teams again. Finally, I got clear of that first manager's poisonous suggestion. Finally, I have a manager who doesn't seem uncomfortable everytime he speaks to me. Weird twist is that the first manager reached out to me a few days ago to congratulate me on a big launch. First time we spoke since he tried to blackball me years ago.

Uber p4p8x Apr 19, 2017

This is the beauty of Google. At Uber there's no way you can get promoted if your manager discourages you from doing so.

Uber bacondance OP Apr 19, 2017

That reply hits a bit too close to home

Uber xuaf16 Apr 19, 2017

glad you got your promotion but your first manager sounds horrible

Google 🐈 🐈 🐈! Apr 19, 2017

Yeah, he was. One of my teammates from that first team thinks that our manager was hoping that the new manager would rescind his offer after the conversation and that I would therefore have to stay on his team.

Uber #muga Apr 19, 2017

Fuck this is at Google? Wouldn't be surprised if this happened at Uber (actually would expect it as the default behavior.) But at Google? Shittt this is fucked up

Uber xuaf16 Apr 19, 2017

op - are you sure your previous manager is disparaging you?